The Master Plan Part 1

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Fast forward to Saturday afternoon in Loona's room cause mostly nothing happened the rest of the week, Blitzo tried to make Y/N to make more Nuka grenades, but since he didn't have the materials, he was unable to do it, and neither will search for more because he simply don't trust Blitzo to use such deadly weapon correctly without killing himself.

3rd Person POV

*Buzz Alarm sound*

Loona: "Uuhhhg, it's morning already?" She said accompanied with a groan in frustration as she slap the alarm clock snooze button, she then stretch up and rub her eyes.

Blitzo: "Oh Loonie, wake up and come here to eat your breakfast~" Blitzo called with a happy tone her, and answered with her usual low frustrated growl.

Loona: "Every god damn morning..."

Then she got startled by the sound of her phone ringing.

Loona: "Uuuhhg, who send texts this early in the morning..."

She then perked up at her own words since nobody text her aside from Blitzo.

"A text!"

She quickly go up to check it, it that was in her night stand and the message was from Y/N, she quickly open it.

Y/N: "Morning Loona, its to see if you are free today after work or tomorrow for that thing, preferably today if you can."

She let a big smile and answer him as her tail started to swing around.

Loona: "Morning, sure it can be today, but what it is about?"

She sent it, after a couple of seconds she got the reply.

Y/N: "Still dealing with the details, sorry for that, I'll let you know after work"

She thought it was a little odd, but she just brush it off

Loona: "Ok, cya at work then"

She reply to him and turn off the phone, she stretch up again and got up, after a shower she went to the kitchen for her breakfast, as she sat down, Blitzo with a pink apron put a plate with bacon, eggs and a piece of bread in front of her, accompanied by a glass of orange juice, then kiss her cheek, that last part annoyed her, which make her snarl at him, but Blitzo didn't pay attention to it since he went to clean up the dishes. She look back at the plate, Blitzo made it so it look like the eggs were the eyes and the bacon a smiling mouth, she cringe at seeing that, but like last time, she close her eyes and took a big breath and then let it out.

Loona: "A different approach..."

She open her eyes again and look at Blitzo, who was happily humming  while doing the dishes, she look down at her plate again, but instead of watching it as a childish dish his weird adoptive father made, she saw it as something he took the time and effort to make it correctly for her. At that thought she cracked a small smile and start eating it. After they finish they leave the apartment and hop on their van to go pick up Moxxie and Millie. The whole way meanwhile Blitzo was driving, Loona was humming in high spirits, something Blitzo noticed and of course that made him curious since it is way unusual.

Blitzo: "Hey Loonie, why are you so happy? Better not be about Verosika's rabies carrier you met at the beach."

Her high spirits disappeared instantly upon hearing that.

Loona: "Uhhg why you need to get involve in everything I do?"

Blitzo: "I'm just asking, its not always you wake up without cursing, not even I do that."

Loona knowing that Blitzo will keep annoying her with that topic decided it was better to just tell him.

Loona: "..." "Fine, I'm going to hangout with some friends after work and I'm looking forward to that."

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