Doctor's Appointment

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Back to the present time


Alright, we are here, If this world got running cars, it most likely got better medical infrastructure. I hope.

It was night, on a clock inside a closed store says 9pm. Hopefully we can find one that is open, getting inside a close one will be a little more complicated, and there is no garante it will have what we are looking for. Loona choose a town at random, it was one of an early work they had, it was Portland, Oregon, I don't know why that name gives me shivers, but we carry on.

"Alright Loona, Stage 1 of 2: First we need to find a pharmacy, drugstore or whatever. When we find it, let me do the talk"

How do I say this with delicacy... she sucks at that.

She nodded, and like last time, blue light flames aura envolved her all round her, and the take a human form. I also noticed something I didn't back at the beach

"You sure its okay to wear that, aren't you gonna catch a cold or something?"

She looks at her cloths then back at me

Loona: "Fuck off pervert!"

"Whatever. Also don't kill people unless we really need it, we don't need to get unnecessary problems, also because I'm not a psychopath."

Loona: "Fine, you brought the ice box?"

"Yep, I don't know if we really need it, but better be safe than sorry."

And with that we set on our way to look for it, we could split up to cover more land, but since we don't this place very well, we could get lost and that will be a pain in the ass. We walk around the town for like am hour or so using a map we found, it had the locations of all pharmacies and drugstores in the city (pretty convenient) the majority of them were closed, and the ones that were still open didn't have it, but at least we know it exist on this world. That's what we get for not doing a recon before we do this...

*Sigh* "Well, there is one left"

Loona: "Damnit!"

"Don't worry, it was expected this would happen, I told you we needed to do a recon, and have backup plans before doing this part. But it would have been stupid to waste this opportunity because that. It was worth a try.

Loona: *Sigh* "Yea..."

We get to the last one, it was a small one, and when approach it we saw one of the employees closing the metal curtains, we hurried up to him.

"Excuse me."

The employee let out a sigh and turned around

Employee 1: "Yea?"

"Do you sell penicillin?"

Employee 1: "Nope, sorry sir"


Well damn, mission failed, we are gonna get it next time.

Loona let a quite grown in frustration.

"Well, than-"

Then from the store, another employee came out

Employee 2: "No, wait. We do sell that."

Loona and I perked up.

Employee 1: "Wait really? Since when?"

Employee 2: "Since the day before yesterday, didn't dad told you?"

Employee 1: "No, no one ever tell me anything"

Employee 2: "I..." He quickly checks on his phone and starts scrolling, after some seconds. "Yea you are right, sorry there.

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