The Rescue

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Loona POV

As soon we close, Millie immediately start looking for those two idiots, axe at the ready, but the alley was completely empty

Millie: "They aren't here" She said starting to drip tears

Ahhhg don't start with that crap...

I take a deep breath, remembering what I talked with Y/N earlier, then let out a big sigh.


I grab her and move her out of the way and start sniffing the floor.

Ahhg I can't believe I'm doing this.

Aside from the disgusting odors you would expect from an alley, I manage to find their smell and pin point the direction they took.

"It smells like they went this way. Come on, lets find the dumb ass twins"

Then I start running following their scent, that still is disgusting, after a couple of minutes we finally find where the trail ends. It was a grey concrete square building, pretty much like the rest of this ugly city, but this one got a big sign in the front that says "D.O.R.K.S.", with a spotlight and a shit ton of cameras, like that drug asshole from that day.

What a dumb name...

But there was also some armed guards that look most or less the same as the ones that took them, armed with what appears to be...spears?

Weird... but yet again, Millie uses a big ass axe most of the time so...

We sneak to a corner of the building

Millie: "This is where they ended up?"

"I think so...fuck! This looks intense, how we are gonna get in?"

Millie looked around, then spotted a small ventilation shaft above us.

Millie: "Lift me up to that vent!" She said pointing at it. I extend my arm to it so she could reach it, she quickly crawled through it and swiftly opened it and enter, then in a mater of seconds she opened the door that was next to it.

How the fuck we didn't saw that door? Ahhg never mind, at least we didn't do something stupid like that other day.

I smiled at Millie, grabbed her axe and immediately enter running still searching for them, Millie hoped back into the backpack, the place was like a maze, a lot of hallways that cross each other, without any directional signs aside from the green emergency exit ones on the stairs. A we try to sneak through all the guards we stumble across, until we no longer could. The alarm rang off, and soon the guards went on alert and spotted us, blocking the way and preparing to attack us with swords and shit. 

One of them charged at us out of the corner with a halberd, Millie and I barely manage to dodge it, I quickly use the axe and do a vertical slash on him cutting his leg, Millie finished him by shooting him, I then throw it to another guard, hitting him right on the head, Millie jumped and grabbed it from there and just like the last time, vertical slashed another guard that charged at her. I quickly ran to the other one with the nunchuks and tried to hit him with a vertical kick, but he manage to dodge it, he tried to hit me with them, but also quickly dodge it, I saw the last guy take the chance and attack me, I dodge it again, making him decapitate the other guard, then just Millie sneak up on him and break his neck. I grab her and ran to the end of the hallway, it was filled with guards, they start closing the blast door and start throwing us some sharp spiky shit.

Millie: "THROW ME!"

I did it without hesitation, she manage to pass just before the door closed, I heard screams from the other side, shortly after it opens up, blood soaking the roof and the walls, with a lot of cut pieces from the guards bleeding on the floor. Millie just stood there with a smile with her axe resting on her shoulder.

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