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The next day


As I wake up, I scratch my eyes, I look at my Pip Boy to check the hour, its 6:10 am, as usual.

" always..." I thought to myself as I rub my forehead, my head still hurts from yesterday's, and prepare to go back to sleep.

Then out of no where, what I assume Octavia's alarm clock started making a loud buzzing, normally that sudden sound would make jump, but my head hurts so much my first reaction was to cover my ears. I look at Octavia, she jumped out of the bed in an instant like a cat, and turned off the alarm.

"Octavia, what the fuck is wrong with you!"

"Sorry! Sorry! That was a mistake I know"

"Uhhg, the only time I wanted to sleep till late...don't matter...go take a bath first, I need to do inventory..."

"Right" She grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom, I like yesterday, sat down and start redoing it all over again, I grabbed my backpack, It was way lighter than yesterday's...

"Guess what easy comes, easy goes..." I said in low voice as I start deleting entries on my pip boy. After some minutes Octavia came out, so I grabbed the same spare themed clothes and entered the bathroom

Octavia POV

I finished drying my hair and get some breakfast for Y/N, but just as I open the door, I stumbled with dad about to knock on my door.

"Shit" I screamed internally

"Oh, Octavia, good morning, why are you awake so early? That's unlikely of you."

"I...well... I'm starting to emm... live more healthy?" I said trying to lie with a fake smile, I tried to change my topic on questioning him instead

"And you? You need anything? Please don't tell me we are going back to that horrible theme park again..." I said with a uninterested voice.

"No sweetie, it isn't because of that, also because that park is closed since the last time... its because if you know if something happened yesterday?"

I started to worry

" happened?" I asked

"Well, aside that my statue is gone, yesterday I found your mom knocked out cold in her bed with a heavy alcohol smell, same as the living room in fact.

"I...don't know? Maybe she just drank to much and passed out and Jerry just carried her to her bed?" I tried to sound as innocent as I could

"He went home early yesterday and he didn't saw your mother the whole day, also knowing how your mother is with alcohol, its unlikely she could get herself drunk with the "colored water" Lucifer serve as she always says." He said.


"Emm...maybe she finally found something strong enough?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Maybe, that could explain Satan it must has been really strong" He then starts looking around, and spotted Y/N's backpack with the guns. "Is that a.."

"Yea, yea dad, don't you need to do...emm... nobility paper work or something? I said putting myself between him and the backpack.

"I... yea I have, just be careful with those, you could get hurt with them."

"I will" I said as I slowly try to close the door but just as I was doing it, Y/N came out of the bathroom

"Phew!, that did the trick, I'm good as new, like nothing happened." He said loudly, then turned around at us.

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