The Obvious Hideout

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"So emm...what now?" I asked.

"We'll first, I need to hide you, if dad or mom find you out, on the best case scenario, they will kick you out, or worse..." She asked

"Seems about right." I said "So I hide in the basement or something assuming your mansion got one."

"I got a better idea, you will stay in my room, they never check in there, so as long we don't do too much noise will be fine. " She answered as she opened the door that was behind her and enter the room.


I followed her, her room, was pretty big... I look around she has a lot of stuff around, but yet the room its clean.

Octavia POV

"You got a really nice room, you even got a solar system replica on the ceiling" He said

"Ye..yea? Well, I like stars, I've watch them through my telescope, and I read a lot about them, about planets and others stuff" I answered kind shyly, I'm not good at conversations, I only ever talked to dad or mom, but not a lot.

"That's pretty cool, I once visited an old world building that had like one of this, but bigger, moved and had lights, it was pretty neat. I think you would like it." He said

"You like space stuff too?" I asked surprised.

"I mean, don't know a lot about it, just that there are planets like Earth and that stars are basically suns really far away. But I like the concept of it" He said with a smile.

"That's cool" I said smiling back, then the odor hits me. I didn't noticed before, but he smell...

"Hey look, not to be rude or anything but...but what is that smell?! I asked covering my nose.

"What? Me?" He sniffs himself "Well, dirt, sweat, centaur blood too maybe?

"Uhhh....and when was the last time you took a bath?"

"Well...emm... we are in October right?" He said checking the thing he got on his left arm


"So,  September, August, July... yea, July, I remember because I found a barely working water purifier back in a abandoned shack in Idaho." He answered

"You haven't took a shower in 3 months?!" I asked kinda disgusted

"Yep, and before that one it was like a year or so" He said

"You are kidding me..." I said.

"Hey! There isn't a lot of radiation free water out there, and the little that don't have it, its better to drink it that wasting it on showering, don't blame me." He said.

Radiation? Never mind, first things first, I look around for a soap bar and a towel.

"But here we don't have that problem, go and take a bath, now the shower its right there, that stench will surely attract someone's attention" I said as point at the bathroom in my room and I him the soap and towel. "Now go! I'll find you some clean clothes."

"Okay... okay, I'm going, I'm going" He said as he lay his backpack down, rested it on the wall near the couch, then grabbing the soap and towel. He then entered bathroom.

"Ok." I said as I leave to find him some spare cloths, and I know where to find them, after my day on Loo Loo land, my dad bough a lot of souvenir clothes, that will have to do. I walk through the hallway until I see a door locked with a chair. "Right" I said. I removed the it and opened the door, to see the servant just sitting on top of the garbage bin.

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