There is Always Hope

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Meanwhile, somewhere on the outskirts of Imp City, in a small abandoned shack

"Alright... hope this works..."

I try to make all the crap I brought from that radio station work, I got all the manuals I could find, I got all the pieces and cables I technically should need, now to hope it work as intended. I finish putting the last cables connecting my helmet to the equipment and to the big make shift antenna on the roof, I'm not a technician, but if you know how to strip a plasma gun, this should be easier... good thing I payed attention to the half of the class that was actually worth it on boot camp. I turn it on, I hear just static, I move the frequency wheel up and down trying to hear another station or something, to know it picks up the signal, but I just hear static.


I hit it with my fist, then I hear a voice in all the static, I tuned it up better, it was another radio station playing music...if you call it that way, it sounded like garbage, but at least I know it works

"Bingo! Now the boring part..."

I start slowly tune up the encrypted frequency we use, It took some time to adjust it, I only heard static, I hope the power is enough to reach it. I then hear a familiar sound. It was blurry, but I could recognized that song.

After hearing this song almost 24/7, I never thought I would be so happy to hear it again.

I keep tuning the frequency, then let the computer on my helmet do the rest...after some seconds, it gave me green light.

"Here it goes..."

"Tamali, this is Roswell Bravo 2-6, do you copy?"

I hear silence for a while...

Come on...

"Tamali here...why isn't your video feed working?" I hear from the other side. I felt a quick moment of happiness, that got immediately replaced with anger

"Video fe...because its A FUCKING RADIO DUMBASS!"

"Who is this? Wait... Mike, Is that you?"


Great...they put a moron on the comms...THE moron... *sigh*

"Holy shit, you are alive!"

"No shit sherlock, now, put literally anyone on the phone, I need to talk to some competent human being that isn't you, call a sergeant or Dr. what was her name?... Valerie! or something, everything works just DO IT

"Yep...its you, fucking asshole."

"Well, fuck you too comms boy, now go fucking do it, its important!"

"Alright alright..."

(My apologies before hand for all the random "scientific" bullshit I wrote for this section.)

Back at the base in the General's office

Dr. Valerie POV

"Alright general, remember you authorized us to conduct a test at 700 hours, we utilized subject H-001, a human subject to recreate the events of the barn. The results were successful, from the site a similar yet not the same physiology as subject D-001, emerged denominated D-002. Similar level of disorientation, we are conducting interrogations to verify the information that D-001 provided us. We recorded and analyzed the "blood" gathering of the portal, as theorized, it indeed runs on human or this kind of creatures' blood, we took samples of the residues left and sent them to bioscience. In the mean time we tried with different species and animals, both unmutated and mutated, neither work, except ghouls, most probably since they were human once."

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