Impartial Mediation

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Blitz: "This is it people, we are here!"

Blitzo said as we sneak through bushes and trees and stop on the forest line in the middle of the night, in front there was a huge mansion, it was a compound of houses with pools and everything, but that was on the inside, on the perimeter of the property it looks like a damn prison, with tight security: High walls, watch towers, barbed wire, a no mans land in between the walls and the forest for easier shooting, and shit ton of armed guards of course; and yet, we need to somehow get in. We got contracted to kill an apparently powerful drug lord, we all at first thought it was going to be easy, but non of us counted the damn resort citadel where he lives, they even had to drag Loona to help them, she of course, told everyone to fuck off first before joining them. It took some days but Blitz...who I am kidding, Moxxie and Millie did some recon, and manage to find out the security schedule, cameras positions and angles, and most importantly,  pin point a weak spot so we can get inside, an emergency exit with a camera on top of it.

Blitz: "Alright, don't fuck it up or I'll have you asses."

He said as he signaled Loona, she answered with a nod.

For the plan...its pretty solid, and feasible, not bad actually, but it's just the first part of it that makes me hesitant, Moxxie and I were well... we still are reluctant of this part... but due to lack of better options and Blitz non ending whining, we just went along with it. I turn on my helmet's NVs and look at where our objective is.


Wait a minute... I forgot I had those all this time... maybe that should have been useful at that barn...

Meh, the outcome would have been the same...damn I still annoyed I didn't grabbed it...

I look at the rest of the crew

Moxxie: "Just be careful Millie"

Millie enthusiastic as always: "I'll be, Mox." She said with a smile as she got grabbed by the waist by Loona, and with her incredible strength, tossed her up in the air through the no man's land directly to the target, but as she got closer to the wall, we all noticed was going to land on top of the wall's camera, we all quietly gasp, but thankfully she manage to land on top of it and grab firmly into the concrete wall, we all sigh in relieve in unison. She then took one of those cameras that can print the photo right away and took a picture of the same angle as the camera on the wall and with a piece of tape, put it in front of it swiftly, she crawled left and right doing the same to some other cameras to give us a good breathing space to move closer, she waited a couple of seconds to see if there was any activity from behalf of security, but everything stayed the same, when she was done, she signaled us it was all clear.

Can't believe that shit worked

We quickly and stealthily approach her, when we reach the doors, Millie, Moxxie and Blitzo set a defensive type formation behind me to watch out if any guards were passing by, and as for me? It was time to do my part of the plan.

On the left of the doors there was a metal plate. I quickly unscrew it revealing a lot of electricity cables, as expected, those doors had an alarm. If they were to be opened, it will interrupt the electricity flowing through those cables and set off an alarm, my job is to bypass that, and I know how. I mentally measure the distance between where the plate was and the doors, and compared it to the right side of it, I pointed the place, I look at Millie, Blitzo and Moxxie, they took a quick look around and gave me thumbs up. Loona nod again, she tight some bandages on her hand and punch the wall so hard it made a good chunk of the surface crumble in pieces, and she don't even got a scratch on her knuckles.

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