Side Tracking

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It's Sunday early morning and Y/N is walking cheerfully through the hallway, he's still getting used to his "new disguise" since it was better that way if he was planning to stay in Hell. He tied it up to a piece of string and use it as a necklace, He grab it and take a look at it.

Y/N: "This still feels weird." He thought as he released it again.

He kept walking until arriving at his destination, Octavia's room door. He crack his knuckles and aproached his hand to the door.

Y/N: "Rise and shine! Time to greet the nuclear dawn!" He said while loudly banging the door.

From the other side came a loud bang of something, or someone falling to floor, then footsteps getting closer.

Octavia: "What the hell is wrong with you!" She said with a tired yet angry look on her face.

Y/N: "Its 6 am, the sun is up!" He said while pointing the pentagram outside through the window. "The birds are singing and its a beautiful Sunday morning to not waste it in bed" He ended with a smile.

Octavia annoyed by the whole situation just answered with a cold stare.

Y/N: "Also its revenge for that time with the buzz alarm."

Octavia: "... I'm going to break your other leg once the rest of my neurons finish waking up..."

Y/N: "But mostly because your dad told me yesterday he was going to continue with your studies and I wanted to tag alone."

Octavia: "Oh right, forgot about that, but why so early?"

Y/N: "Cause revenge"

Octavia upon hearing his answer she just shut the door close almost hitting Y/N's face.

Y/N: "I'll make you some tail omelets."



Octavia: "Fine."

Y/N smiled upon hearing the reply.

Y/N: "I'll wait for you on the kitchen."

With that he resumed his walking.

When Octavia first arrived she was annoyed with a tired look, even after a shower, it may have to do for being 6am, but nothing bad, it builds character, and as soon she smelled Y/N's cooking, she immediately perked up, she happily start eating the promised omelets.

Aside from that, nothing of importance really happened in the morning, everyone had breakfast, and after that Octavia along side with her father start practicing whatever cheeky magic stuff that book of them got. Surprisingly, even after what Stolas told to Y/N that Octavia didn't practice with it for a long time, she made an incredible progress, that even Stolas was impressed. Y/N cheered her from an out of the way distance to not bother them, making her slightly blush. Before they noticed the morning passed, Stolas thought it was a good time to stop for the day, everyone agreed. With the rest of the day free, Octavia she asked Y/N hoping he could accompany her to go downtown to spend the time there, Y/N agreed, which made her happy, he went to his room and grabbed his backpack and tied up his helmet next to it, he also left both rifles on his room, something he hesitated at first but understood it would grab unnecessary attention, something he didn't thought it would ever thought in his life.

Both decided to go walking since Y/N wanted to get to know more about the layout of things, as they walk through the streets, she then remembered the "homework" he had that couldn't finish due to yesterday's expedition, she asked him about it, he just answered that he finished what was been left before he wake her up to hang out with her during the lessons, although she said nothing, she was glad about it.

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