A Little Expedition

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Octavia POV

When we arrived, we found dad searching deep inside the fridge.

"You like cereal right?" He asked

"Yea sure" Y/N answered, we sit down at the table waiting while dad gather the milk, bowls and etc..., I sat down in front of Y/N, after a min or so, he passed us the things and sat down next to me, I served myself first, and start eating right away.

"Is that milk?" Y/N asked as he grabbed the milk jug

"Yep" I answered as I keep eating.

"So you are suppose to eat it with milk...that explains why it was so dry." He said as he pour the milk on his bowl.

"He didn't knew that?" My dad asked me whispering at me without Y/N noticing, he was too focus on this new revelation he is experiencing.

"Apparently, but don't worry, he is like that with a lot of stuff here...like showers... or potable water without radiation" I answered casually, I'm getting used to it.

"I...see...he must come from a really hardish place..." He answered confused

"Yep" I said as I kept eating.

"So, Y/N, how long you have been here? Like 2 days or so?" My dad asked him

"More or less, yea, sorry about that, but we didn't knew if you were gonna kill me on sight." He said calmly as kept eating.

"Oh, don't worry about it, its just to ask: Did you have anything to do with..." He stopped at as we hear steps closing in


Octavia groan in frustration while Stolas made a sigh, and both just kept eating, as Stella entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Octavia, Y/N." She said with a very calm voice, then made a small groan and said with a disgusted tone. "...Stolas..."

She then went to the fridge searching for something to eat.

"Morning" I answered her back, as I eat another spoonful of cereal, I look back at Stolas and Octavia, they were both with their mouths hanging open.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" She said loudly whispering at me

"Wait? He was responsible for that?" He said in equally manner

"Yea!" Octavia answered back

"What, did you do?!" He loudly whisper at me

"What? That she isn't screaming? is that weird?" I whispers back at them.

"Yes!" They both answered at the same time.

"I don't know, I just..." I was about to answer when I got interrupted by Stella drinking orange juice

"Are you really using those...garments, what happened yesterday's? She said with a disgusted frown. 

"They smell like a moonshiner's shack, so I thought you people wouldn't like that, and this ones are the only spare ones I have." I answer her.

"Where you even got those?"

I just kept eating and point at Octavia, who then pointed at Stolas. Stella then just answered with a low tone groan and an expression of disappointed but not surprised

*Sigh* "You!" She yelled at Stolas, startled him. "You brought those things into my house, you fix it!" She said pointing me or rather the souvenir clothes I'm wearing, then left without saying anything else. They just turn around at me in silence

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