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After some minutes of walking, I finally reach the Goetia's palace, took me sometime to convince the gate keeper that I wasn't a hobo and let me in. I then enter the main building, walk trough the living room and came across Octavia that was leaving the kitchen.

"So how was your first day at work down here?"

"Not bad and you? How was your day?" I said taking off my helmet

"Meh...pretty boring...the usual...again." She said with an indifferent tone

"Don't be like that. Look, I'm here! What you want to do now? Or I pick tonight's activity?" I said trying to cheer her up, and it worked, she immediately perked up

"Hey! I've been dying of boredom all day, now I get to pick what to do together."

"Alright, alright, what you got?" I said with a chuckle

"Hmm...I would have said to continue reading that book you gave me, but you aren't really into that."

" offense."

"So lets see, how about teaching me something, you are pretty much what you can describe as an adventurer in a book, I guess you can teach me something useful."

"I mean, sure, what do you want to know? Please not be computers, I usually just smack them for copper wire"

"I don't know, you are the teacher."

"Hmm...let see...useful on your context..."

Electric stuff? Nah... I don't want to her to have 2nd degree burns...


"Plants? Like Botany? Alright, I'm listening."

"Emm...well... I got a tato." I kneel down and searching through my backpack

"What's that?"

"A fruit...or vegetable...a ghoul told me its a combination of 2 plants long gone, the potato and the tomato" I showed her one that was in good condition, she kneeled down next to me and grabbed it, and inspect it. "I guess that's the why of the name...tato"

" really looks like a tomato and a potato"

"You got those down here?"



Why Earth sucks so much...

"What else?"

"Hmm...razor grain...its a grain"

"Just that? A grain?" She asked with a disappointed face.

"Yea...forgot to say I only really collect like 4 type of plants so I can make healing salve. The rest are just spices at most."

"To make this?" She said while grabbing the healing salve small vase I have.

"Yep, best thing you can have, cure almost anything, from bruisers to cuts, eat some and also cures the stomach, and talking about guys got somewhere to plant stuff, I need to see if I can make stuff grow for your mom's moonshine." I asked her.

"We got a green house"

"A green house? That's even better!"

"Yep, my dad loves gardening, I'll go ask him if he got a space for you"

"Yea please do that, I don't want him to throw away one of my crops thinking its some bad weed."

"Yep, I'll be right back" She said while standing up and hurrying to find Stolas.

I just picked everything back up. After some minutes Octavia returned, she just nodded and told me to follow her, I grab my backpack and followed her. We go out to the back garden, after a little walk, we arrive at the green house, as expected, it was quite spacious, and well maintained. We head inside. There was a lot of different plants, some where like the ones I saw before, with a big mouth, teeth, and eyes.

"Yep...I still don't like those plants"

"Don't worry, as long you don't get to close to them, you will be fine" She said while getting some bags of dirt a shovel, and some large pots for the plants and put them all in wheelbarrow. "Now come here and help me"

I obliged, I help her carry the stuff we thought we would need, before getting to work, I put some music on my Pip-Boy, she, just like Loona, laugh at my taste of music, and call me an old man, well, its music from 200 years ago, so I say its fair enough. It took us some time to assemble the tables, the cells and place the pots, then start preparing the soil, and space for the plants, we pour the dirt in the cells and finally, I look at her, she its starting to like the music and start humming parts of it. "Heh". We then plant the seeds separately of the maize, soot flower, ash rose among others, and cut the tato in half and put them in the soil, we I collected the seeds of a mutfruit and plant them too, the rest I gave it to her so she could taste it, she seemed to enjoy it. We cover everything and pour some water on top of it and done, we only plant one of each one plant, to test if it can grow since...well...the soil, the water, and even the "sun" is different, so who knows?

"Alright, that should be all, you are pretty good with this stuff" I said while I help her clean the mess.

"Well, like I told you, dad loves gardening, he taught me a lot while I was a kid, it was fun" She said with a nostalgic face and a slight smile, that then disappeared. "And you? Why you have so much seeds? I thought you weren't the sedentary kind. Knowing you its probably to sell them."  Trying to change the topic. I will just go along it, I don't want to ruin this moment.

"Ehh... surprisingly no, I kept them to actually plant them at some point in my life, its just that the west is not really good place to plant stuff, land there is really dry, plus I don't want to sell my soul to the NCR for a 4mx4m patch of land, so I just went east, "Life is peaceful there" I said to myself, then met a another traveler that were going the opposite way basically thinking the same thing."

"And then, you end up here, its not "peaceful" but at least the land isn't dry" She said with a soft giggle

"Yep, not what I was expecting, but maybe its better. Thank you for all" I answer her with a smile.

"No problem" She answered me in the same manner.

We finish tiding up the green house and left, said goodnight, and went to back to our rooms.

A Different type of Wasteland Vol1.Where stories live. Discover now