𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 07

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"I know you do" he opened the chip bag.

We snacked in silence. But that was okay for us.

(Jungwon's POV)

It was now the weekend. Jihan and I decided to both stay at our houses today. I had already sent our secretaries everything that needed to be done today.

I contacted Heeseung to talk about what has happened these past few days since we haven't had the time to talk.

I waited for him to pick up the phone, hoping it'd be the right number. I turned the card around twice to double-check.

I finally heard a voice on the line.

"Hello, it's Lee Heeseung talking. Who's this?"

"Hey, Hyung! It's me Jungwon"

"Oh, What's up! Why'd you call?" He asked

"I realized we haven't been able to talk one-on-one about what's going on," I replied to his question.

"Ah... So, fill me in on the whole story. Beginning to end."

I explained to him how we ended up kissing and what happened with the reporters.

"You guys have to be more careful, especially malicious reporters." He said with great concern.

"We are, I'm just worried about Jihan. She can get overwhelmed easily. Also, the fact that Jake got brought into the situation."

"He did?" Heeseung asked with confusion.

"It wasn't a very big discussion and topic that was brought up. But, apparently yes, he was brought into the situation."

"How's he doing?"

"He's doing fine, I think things managed to work out for him. He doesn't get people to go to his house."

"That's good. I have to go now though. I hope things manage to work out. Goodbye Jungwon"

"Bye, Hyung." The call ended.

I was usually with Jihan but now that I'm alone I realized I do nothing. I didn't want to bother her quite yet, so I decided to call my parents instead.

"Hey, mom!" I said as my mom received my call.

"Hey, Jungwon. How are you?" She coos, I smiled as she always treated me like a baby.

"I'm doing just fine mom..." I talked then slowly went silent and heard other voices in the background.

"Jungwon, your sister came back from overseas and I haven't seen you in months! You should come to visit when you're free."

"Can I go over right now? I took off work today."

"Of course! Come quick, I just made lunch." My mom says enthusiastically.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit" I laughed then ended the call.

I grabbed my car keys and then headed to my parent's house.

I arrived and parked my car immediately. I got out of the car and knocked on the house.

I saw the door open and saw my sister. She made a face at me, and I made a face at her back. She was going to hit me, but my mom pulled my sister away before anything could happen.

"Oh, my Jungwon, you've gotten so tall these past few months!" She exclaimed then engulfed me in a hug.

"Mom it's only been a few months since you've seen him," my sister says and rolls her eyes.

𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 || 양정원Where stories live. Discover now