it end with us.

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📍: blaire home
blaires pov:

suicide + blood!

matt: and we're finished! well done guys, i'll send it over for editing and then i'll let you know when it's ready and the finical said etc!
josh: cheers matt! see you soon!

jj: i'm going to throw an after party, will you guys be ready by 7?
talia: yeah
freya: should be
ethan: of course!
harry: can do yeah
jj: cool, see you at mine for 7! oh and it isn't an open invite, unless i really like the person he said walking out of the set.

i arrived home at just gone 4 and got ready quicker then ever.
i couldn't wait to see harry again! my bloody boyfriend!

there was somehning about our toxic relationship that i loved. maybe that's because that was the only love i was used too.

my taxi arrived and within ten minutes i was outside jjs house!

the house was decorated beautifully and drink and food was pre layed out.
i was the last there.

talia: babe for your sake walk the other way she said in a panic
you: no you've intrigued me i said smiling i budged passed her to see him.

harry with another girl.

you: what the fuck i screamed at the top of my lungs. you filthy cheat.

i ripped her off him, grabbing her to the ground, punching this whore rapidly.
jj and ethan dragged me off.

you: and as for you harry...
then i swung.

he fell straight to the tiled flooring and that's when the floor was slowly being covered in a thick, red substance; blood.

vik: i'll call an ambulance he shouted dialling the numbers.

within minutes the ambulance was here but harry hasn't moved, breathed just more and more blood poured.

ambulance: 7:39pm time of death harry lewis.

i sobbed and sobbed knowing he was gone and it was my fault.

i ran.
as far as i could.
until i reached a place so dark and high.

i jumped.

she jumped.
and that was last anyone saw or heard of blaire lyn.
her body months later still not discovered which leaves us wondering is she dead?
was this all for love? is she insane?

news: suicide report; blaire lyn a young girl from england committed man slaughter on her boyfriend who she was fixated on. people left questioning where the body is and if she is actually dead or on the run?

blaire: "doing it all for love." then the world went black.

a/n: givin up writing, peace!!

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