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📍: blaires house
blaires pov:
harry: hug.
and with that i was back in comfort, his arms felt like my safety blanket. i wish i knew where my heart and heart was at...

i fell asleep in his arms, it felt right. it felt perfect.

instagram messages
*@bambinobecky wants to send you a message*

becky: hey sexy, fancy coming on strong ones?
blaire: omg i thought you'd never ask! x
becky: i'll get my team to email you the more work side of it but we can film this afternoon if you're about? x
blaire: is your studio close?
becky: *sends address* its handy!
blaire: i'll be there for 11:30 x
becky: see you then! x
*liked message*

i wake harry up and he groans into the pillow, slowly waking himself up.
harry: morning love
you: goodmorning you said chirpy!
harry: you're excited. what's got in you?
you: sooo, becky messaged me just and i'm doing to do strong ones this afternoon!
harry: that'll be such a laugh, our little welsh pal is great. what time?
you: be there for 11:30 so i'm going to go shower and start getting ready!

and i did just that...


liked by taliamar and 9,019 others@blairespov: im tired but im hot🙄

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liked by taliamar and 9,019 others
@blairespov: im tired but im hot🙄.
view 505 comment
@wroetoshaw: pretty x
@bambinobecky: ma'am you're fya😍
@zerkaa: freys gonna leave me after seeing this...

you: harry i'm leaving! i shouted into the bedroom.
harry: what now? he said in almost a stroppy toddlers voice.
you: yes otherwise i'll be late. lock up when you leave please!
harry: no kiss goodbye, wowww he replied
and with that i ran and gave him a quick peck and sped walked out of the place to the uber.

you: becks i'm here!
becky: managers coming down, see you in a sec x
-read: 11:27am-

life was so different and it only just hit me as i walked through becky's set up.
becky: hello hello hello she said extremely chirpy!
you: morning beckstar!
you: ooo new nickname i said smirking.
becky: only you can call me that then now, was the journey okay?
you: yeah it's fine, feels early to drink though i said giggling.
becky: not in wales!

becky: have you eaten? cause i haven't.
you: nope, can we get food first?
becky: we can order?
you: sure sure

they always say to make sure you've eaten when you drink so you have lining on your stomach!

📍becky's studio
you: that's for that beckstar
becky: anytime, breccy with becky she replied laughing sending me into a laughing fit.

you: i'm so nervous man!
becky: trust me, it'll be fine!
you: becky it's my first youtube video that's petrifying!
becky: and you're with me so it'll be vibey however i need to let my food go down i feel to full to move to the cameras so we can film in 20?
you: sure sure

the nerves grew in, what if i get hate? what if someone brings up the harry situation? what if i say the wrong thing and get cancelled ALREADY?
so many thoughts raced my mind but i had to do this, it'll be a great experience i had to remind myself over and over again...

this was lowkey just a filler chapter, sorry guys! next one should be bomb :)

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