new begins

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📍: blaire s hours
-jjs pov-

i watched her pour our shots perfectly even and the next thing i knew we was shotting to new opportunities and begins.

you: cheers to new opportunities and begins he said and we touched glasses and took it back!

-5pm something lol-
her laptop rang and i took the signal to go into the living room, i watched her from the doorway without her knowing. i couldn't stop smiling, she has her little specs on as she read and sent over her other poetry pieces.

something about her made my heart so warm it's just a shame that there's never gonna be an us.

-blaires pov-
i signed in relief as the call cut dead, she seems to take it so well? i shut my laptop and walked over to jj. he was just sat on his phone? i crept round his shoulder is that me? my instagram? hm?

i scared him, he flew a mile. i fell into an unstoppable laughing fit, it was so funny he looked mad for a second but he CANT stay mad at me! so he ended up laughing with me.

jj: thanks for that bear he said sarcastically whilst shaking his head.
you: no worries jj you replied with a beaming smile.
jj: sooo, how was the interview?

you: she seemed very pleased with the other pieces i read out and emailed her so fingers crossed, it went well enough to get hired and labled!
jj: when you do, because you will. i'll take you out to the poshest restaurant i've been to and grab a bite to eat and food with some of the sidemen because you need to meet them sometime soon aswell!

you: i met a few but i was so drunk i barely remember i said fake smiling. jj hummed in response then got up and grabbed the rest of the jack daniels.

jj: want another? he said lent up against the door i nodded and hummed a yes in response and we both did two more each, i didn't want more nor did he so he put the half empty bottle into the fridge for another time.

jjs pov:

you: blaireeee i said catching her attention instantly.
blaire: yes stupid she said smiling which made me blush, god why?
you: i need to make a tiktok, wanna be in it? we can do a stupid dance!
blaire: YES! of course!

we did one that goes "tap tap tap" it's an old dance but one of the only one i actually knew...

-blaires pov-
watching the tiktok back i noticed his eyes... the way he looks at me like he loves me. admiring every angle of my body, face...

the time was 7:33pm, we both was just having general conversation and occasionally checking our phones.
it was starting to get deader and deader almost like i wanted to say "i'm going to bed" or he was going to say "i'm tired so imma head off".

you: wanna watch a movie i said to break the non awkward silence.
jj: sure! what genre? he replied putting his phone down and walking over to grab the remotes.

you: horror or disney? either i don't mind i said turning on the sky box.
jj: horror he said changing it over to netflix, "but you pick the movie because i'm SO INDECISIVE"

so i did, we ended up watching "eli" it wasn't that scary just the odd jumpscare made me latch onto jjs arm, though he didn't seem to mind he tended to smile and look at me everytime i did.

the movie was becoming to an end i ended up cuddling up to him on his chests and asleep, the last thing i remember is him kissing my forehead and me trying not to smile because "i was asleep".

what about harry? i don't like jj, no! it's just because he's giving me attention. stupid whore. every time blaire, every time.

the next morning:
-jjs pov-

i woke up to the smell of bacon, and there she way. as perfect as ever cooking.

gosh, what's going on here then... jaire or haire/barry ;)?
-a/n x

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