teary eyes

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-blaire pov-

jj: blaire, what are you doing here he said tired.
you: oh don't worry jj i'm here for talia i said smirking.

jj: oh well she's in simons room so like he said rubbing the back of his neck lent against the door.
you: i'll knock don't worry i said barging past him with my tesco bag.

you: talia babes, get your ass here i said knocking on the door and with that she came out.
talia: so what did you want she said taking the bag from my aching arms.

you: i need to discuss with you in private i said instantly.
talia: follow me she said bringing me to the kitchen shutting the door behind me.

(i know jjs apartment the kitchen the living rooms attached but in this instance it's not as i couldn't think wear else they could go because i don't know the ins and outs of they're place)

talia: so what's up she said sitting on the counter.
you: ok, 1. i woke up in harrys bed
talia: oh shit no what the, did anything happened she said gob smacked.
you: no but we kissed a couple of times this morning and he insisted he dropped me off here so he did and we kissed again before i even made my way up here.

talia: she semi screamed then put her hands over her mouth.
you: i had to tell you talia hehe
talia: so what does that mean for you guys...? she asked it took me a few seconds to even reply or take in what she said.

i didn't even know myself what was going on. one second he wants me, then he doesn't, then he can't help himself.
you: i guess i just have to see how things go?
talia: he's totally in to you she said beaming
you: hm maybe, i don't freakin' know i said looking down. he's also my boss talia...
talia: okay and? bitch please work sex... HOT.

we ended up laughing for ages her and me ended up in stitches...
simon: beg you both shut the fuck up he said out of no where, it actually startled me...
you: oh shush simon i replied he walked over to us and sat down next to us on the floor.

jj: i'm hungryyy
talia: okay but when did you even get here you're irrelevant... she replied with a bitchy tone
jj: monthly listeners bitch he said trying to not laugh, he just ended up smirking... why is he so big headed-
you: you're so big headed jj-
jj: get over it he said getting you and walking into the lichen.

simon: so blaireeee
you: no
simon: hehe, you and harry huh

jj: sing song: ooo blaire and harry, ooo in love he started giggling instantly
i jumped up and charged to him *smack* shut the fuck up i said walking away laughing and when i thought it was all over before i know it i was falling and then face planted into the rug.

talia pulled me back down and we went back into a laughing fit.
you: "you're whore" you whispered and only talia manage to hear...
she looked at you funny, then smirked and scoffed quietly.

i was later but to be honest i don't even care anymore. harry hasn't even bothered to contact me all weekend. since the kiss. i stood outside taking a deep breathe before i unlocked the door.

harry: you're late blaire he said sounding croaky mixed anger.
you: i know i'm sorry, i'll get started right away i said turning away from him.
harry: blaire, i don't think this is going to work, business and home life are completely different thing and we can't keep mixing the two together...

you: well maybe we just need to keep a slight difference, don't invite me over or contact me unless it's business, deal?
harry: deal he said shaking my hand and walking away.

the time was 3:19pm and i've managed ro finish 3 videos, all harrys uploads for the next three weeks and edited his instagram pictures. i was done almost two hours 2 hours early, now what do i do?

??: YO HARRY! i heard a nice voice shout, i peeped my head out the door to see a good looking lad with a ginger ish beard, i got out the office and went over to see if everything was okay.

you: uh, is everything okay?
ethan: yeah, hi i'm ethan. who are you and why are you here? harrys new girl?
you: no his new editior... and as i went to speak again, there he was. i hate how good looking i think harry is.

harry: oh blaire, you okay? he said very bluntly.
you: yeah, i'm done though. i've edited all three videos and recent instagram photos.
harry: oh well you might aswell go, i'll still pay you full shift don't worry, enjoy the rest of your night he replied walking past me to the door and opening it.

you: bye harry, bye ethan i said slightly smiling, harry just slightly waved and smiled. it felt so weird not giving him a hug or a kiss on the cheek...

i arrived home.

text message:
jj<3: hey, what you doing friday night? thinking of throwing a party!
bear🐻 : uh, other than work, nothing. i should be able to come depends where you host it :)
jj<3: just at the local club, i'll hire it out, it will be a good laugh. get a uber to mine for 8 and me, you, simon, talia will all go together from mine
bear🐻 : sounds good, see you friday :3

i do love a good sdmn party they do bang to be honest it's just the last party never ended so well and my guts telling me it isn't a wise idea...

text message:
hazzer🤍: listen, i'm so sorry for the way i was today. i've found out some awful news and i acted out.
b<3: it's okay, need me to come back round?
hazzer🤍: yes please, i'll pay for your taxi down bud

i'll always come back to him...

harry was waiting with the money to hand to the driver, he looked teary and that broke my heart to see...

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