vodka vs JD

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📍: becky's apartment
blaires pov:

"@bambinobecky: vodka vs JD🍷...
the invited guest started to come in. JJ brought three of his body guards. one to stand by the door, one at the gate entrance and one in the apartment. i really appreciated him for doing that, that made me at little less on edge."

blaires pov:
you: hey everyone! ATTENTION!
you: now that you are all here... pretty much i would like to say a big thank you to becky!
you: becky, you have been amazing and i'm extremely proud of you for coming this far and being able to buy your first own place! so here's a toast to our favourite bambino! we love you becky!

talia: girls!
freya: hello!
you: what's up talia?
talia: let's play boys vs girls BEER PONG she chanted.
gee: yes oh my god! ethan you down?
ethan: yes course! i'm always down for a competition, i'll go get the lads! he said walking away full of pure confidence.

becky: you ready girls!
the girls: READY BITCHES
JJ: we're going to win lads!
the lads: GET IN BOYS!
let the games begin...

you: i got it in! in your face!
harry: oh shut up he said laughing.

josh: fuck you! i got it in as well now!
becky: ugh she said sarcastically.

gee: sorry girls she said walking away looking down.
alex: i can't even diss you, i suck at this game he said laughing with gee.

in the end the girls won and the boys did a dare. they had to all make a drunken dancing tiktok...

JJ pov:
i hadn't spoke to blaire in a while, fuck it im going to go catch up with her.
JJ: yo, what's up?
blaire: oh my god, hello JJ! how have you been?
JJ: better now we've spoke i said smirking.
blaire: that's good she said shrugging of what he said.

blaires pov:
and with that, my ass felt a tingling friction. shaken and hoping it was harry i turned around to see JJ smirking...
JJ: want to dance?
blaire: no, where's harry i said sternly.
JJ: you don't need that looser, you want and need me, come on baby! you know you do.

i sped of as quick as i could but i couldn't find harry.
i went and sat in the bathroom floor hoping someone would notice.
i ended up passing out from constant crying and too much alcohol.

📍: becky's apartment
i woke up early morning, opened the locked bathroom door to see mess, spilled drinks and passed out people.
harry wasn't here and i was the only one who was awake. i started to clean up before becky woke up and saw how bad it was.

10 miss calls from harry🤍
3 miss calls from beckstar x
1 miss calls from Vik

harry: wtf is wrong with you.
harry: what is going on? we was doing so well and now you're flirting with my fucking bestfriend.
harry: we're done.
harry: goodbye.
-read: 9:55am-

becky: harry's left and he's mad...
becky: where are you? are you safe?
becky: please blaire, talk to me. what's happened x
becky: what's gone on? i love you girl x
-read: 9:58am-

i hear movement coming from the room
next door and i tiptoe over to the sofa to sit down next to sleeping james marriott.
james: omg blaire you're still here? he said in a confused, croaky tone.
you: yeah i ended up passing out in the bathroom i said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. i'd never spoken to james before. besides when i greeted him late night at the door.

becky: oh my, fucking hell! blaire you're still here. you never replied to my last message, where'd you go?
you: passed out on your bathroom floor after a panic attack i said fake smiling.
becky: ah well, harry also left in a rage but i will leave that to him to discuss with you...
you: oh god okay i said grabbing my stuff and walking out...

i'm honestly so sorry for this chapter, it was more of a boring filler but the next will be better!
-a/n x

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