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-blaires pov-

'yet i still couldn't focus, this time it wasn't about a girl it was the fact i couldn't shake him out of my head.

his smile, his bed hair and morning voice god he was something else.'

id finally finished editing the two videos for harrys channel when i heard a knock at the front door.

a couple minutes passed and harry still hadn't come down to answer it and whoever it was had knocked three times so i decided i'd answer it just in case it was important.

?: oi oi, who are you? he said instantly, i had no idea who this was but he was good-looking.
you: oh i'm harrys editor but he wasn't answering the door so i thought i would, who are you? i replied with a curious look overtaking my face.

?: oh i'm jj, nice to meet you? 'blaire' i replied filling in the end of his sentence.

jj: blaire, where is harry he said walking through the door.
blaire: upstairs i think, not sure just call him before you go up there just in case i said smiling slightly.

jj: yeah yeah, well it was nice meeting you man he said walking slowly as the phone dialled harry, and with that he walked up the stairs and all i heard was 'alright man' then the door closed.

i realised not long after that i was finished but i decided to give them 20 minutes before i went up.

i made my way up his white solid wood stairs to his door, i hesitated but seconds later i knocked on and with that fell silence.

harry: blaire is that you? i heard the muffled noise through the door.
you: yeah it is harry i replied and with that the door swung open.

harry: you ok blaire he stated with a small smile upon his face?
you: yeah i've finished the two videos and i was just letting you know i said awkwardly.
harry: you sure? you can stay a bit if you'd like, couple of others are coming over to play monopoly and get something to eat?

you: sounds good, who's the others besides jj?
harry: freezy, lux, simon and i'll invite talia for you.
you: yeah okay sure sure i smiled and sat on harrys bed next to him and jj.

you: jj i said curiously
jj: yeah? he replied with his focus of his game.
you: are you ksi i said with a puzzled face he didn't reply he just smiled and shook his head, it was wasn't it.

you: your songs are bangers i said showing him multiple of his songs in my playlist
jj: yeah i'm ksi he said and he took a muggy of me and as i looked over to his phone i bursted out laughing and so did jj as we finished our mad 5 minute laughing fit i made my eyes to harry to see him looking deflated so i decided to rest my head on his chests and asked if he was ok but he didn't seem fine.

the three of us made our way downstairs and into the living room ready for the night to come.

then the door bell rang, i volunteered to answer it and there stood to men who i believed where freezy and lux?
you: hi i'm blaire nice to meet you i said immediately hugging them both as they briefly introduced them self the two others walked up the drive and i figure that it has to be talia and simon i smiled.

you: hi nice to meet you both i said and gave talia a hug and smiled at simon.
talia: it's so nice to meet you pretty she said as her pearly white teeth beamed in my direction.

we all made our way to the living room and set up monopoly!

by this point i had two full sets 1 train stations and houses on most and had more monopoly money then i could spend.

'blaire i need your card man!' - freezy

'bitch is loaded, ahhhh' - harry

'i'll shout you out yeah for that set' - ksi

'fuck you all, where's the jack' - talia

the game didn't finish til 8:45 when lux went bankrupt then so did simon then talia then harry then me surprising ksi won and of course he has to flex that he won on his instagram with that strange laugh of his that makes me chuckle.
i smacked him on the way to the kitchen all i heard was 'you bitch man' and i laughed, but something wasn't right.

where was harry?

ksi huh?
-a/n x

editor| harry lewisWhere stories live. Discover now