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📍: blaire home
blaires pov:

he didn't respond straight away... he pulled me for hug, kissed my head.
harry: i love you. his words were so pure and beautiful.

i want to be with him but:
brain washed, manipulated but yet i still went back to him, why?
because it's always him.
it always will be.

incoming call: ksi :)
you: harry jj is calling me i said staring at my phone.
harry: okay, im not here and see what he has to say he said sitting up.

-phone call-
you: hello?
jj: yo, you good?
you: yeah i'm great jj
jj: yeah anyways, we was checking the strong ones comments and you're a literal sensation! have you checked your socials today? he said.
you: no? i will now?

i looked at my socials.
3,719 new followers!

you: sheeeesh
jj: so because of that the comment section were asking for a sidemen x blaire collaboration if you want to?
you: uh i'll speak to your manager later i replied.
jj: sound, see you later i said and hung up.

-off call-
harry: wait what, let me check the group chat a second he said opening his phone.
harry: wow yeah, josh even said that you'll be a hit and it'll be a great idea to do a video with you!
you: gosh, that is severely nerve wracking i replied.

harry pov:
-sidemen n' team group chat-
harry: yo! so when do you want to do a plan session, we can all meet this afternoon for it?
josh: sounds like a plan!
matt: meet at the office at 4? that good?
vik: that's good
matt: is anyone with blaire? or can anyone tell blaire the details?
jj: i can call her
harry: i'm with her, she knows :)
matt: thankyou harold! see you all soon, don't be late!

blaire: gosh this is scary she said standing up.
harry: you'll be fine, you've met most of us anyways and the boys like you so it'll be a laugh i said.
blaire: hm, yeah true. i'll go get ready now she replied walking away.

blaire pov:
i'm so scared to see jj. he's a great friend to me and has been great with giving me business ideas and help but he's damaged me and harry more than it already was.

mine and harry's love for each other is so toxic and draining.

i was finally ready!
i decided to wear this, not knowing what the meeting would be like and what impression i needed to make.

-3:33pm-i was finally ready!i decided to wear this, not knowing what the meeting would be like and what impression i needed to make

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you: harry is the outfit okay? i said full of nerves!
harry: yeah it's good, you ready? i'll call an uber.
you: yeah, i replied.

damn. that was not very reassuring...

the car ride was silent.
have i done something wrong? is he mad at me? is he overthinking?

we arrived at the place, still silence. an awkward silence.
matt: hi guys, everyone's inside he said stepping out the way of the day.
i slowly swept my feet admiring the place, harry nodded his head in response to matt and sped ahead to everyone else.

matt: anyways, it's nice to finally meet you blaire he said reaching his hand out for me to shake his hand.
you: it's an absolute pleasure to meet you and have this opportunity i replied smiling.

we walked and talked over the basics before reaching the door.
matt stopping before entering.
matt: before we go in, what's up with harry? he whispered.
you: honestly matt, i do not know. our relationship or whatever we are is complicated and somewhat draining but for me relationships are private and don't get in the way of works or business.
matt: nice! good to here he replied opening the door.

ethan: omg blaire! it's so nice too see you again he said hugging me.
you: hey eathan!
ksi: hello hello he said awkwardly...
you: hello jj i said very monotone. time for some business i said ignoring his hug.

matt: so video ideas? fire them at me!
kon: 20 men vs blaire?
josh: that's a SHOUT he said gassed at cameraman kons suggestion.
matt then noted the idea on the huge whiteboard.

vik: extreme cook off 2?
matt: interesting, we could spice that up somehow to make it different?
harry: blaire vs the sidemen on the cook off?
simon: we could get talia, freya and gee to help her? like a girls vs boys?
the boys all agreed that would be a brilliant idea. they just had to call the girls to get there confirmation!

about an 2 hours later of sharing ideas and thoughts the girls agreed they'd join in and the contacts get called and we was all set up for tomorrows shooting!

harry: blaire, jj, can we speak?
you: uh yeah sure?

we walked into the next room, in silence.
jj: what's up bro he said knowing exactly what was up.
harry: let's sort this all between us.
you: sounds good i said once again monotone.

harry: blaire, you have a choice. you either stay with me or be with jj or none. i can't keep this triangle shit.
i was shocked.
you: harry, it's always been you. it always will be you, no matter how rocky we are, no matter how much of a battle our relationship has been, it's you.

he embraced me in his arms and with that i felt safe.
ksi: guys, i just want to say, i don't mean if i caused anything, offended or hurt any of yous i just want you both happy and if being together is what makes you happy then bloody do it he said smiling.
harry: thanks bro he said hugging him, don't ever mess with me again though ksi. he was so stern with his word.
ksi: i won't he replied, voice shaky. he fist bumped me and we all went back to the boys.

you: thankyou for this opportunity i said cheering my glass.
everyone: ayyyy!

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