sidemen sunday

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📍: sidemen studios
blaires pov:

harry: blaire, you have a choice. you either stay with me or be with jj or none. i can't keep this triangle shit.
i was shocked.
you: harry, it's always been you. it always will be you, no matter how rocky we are, no matter how much of a battle our relationship has been, it's you.

he embraced me in his arms and with that i felt safe.

nothing had really happened lately, i got home from the office, organised filming dates, seen harry once the last three days and that's about it.
but today was the big day... sidemen sunday shoot day!

i was almost ready, i facetimed talia!
-on call-
talia: how is my girl doing she said with a beaming smile.
you: ugh talia i can't lie i am shattered i said yawning.
talia: me too, i can pick us up a coffee before the shoot? if you'd like she replied.
you: that will be amazing, what time do we have to be there for?
talia: around 10:50-11:00

you: talia because there's a starbucks near mine, i'll order me, you, simon and harry drinks to mine to get here for about 10:30 and if you both leave soon and get to mine we can grab the drinks and go all together and split the bill i said.
talia: simonnnn, we're leaving in 10 to go to blaires she shouted softly.
simon: okie dokie he said *clash*
talia: jesus simon she said giggling
you: right, book your uber and i'll order the drinks and then i'll see you here for around 10:35 bae!
talia: see you soon! love you
-end of phone call-

i just ordered the taxi for 10:40, hopefully they'll be here...

ayyy, here's the drinks. i already knew everyone's orders so i kept simons, talias and harry's in the fridge til the pair of them get here.
i don't know why i brought harry one...

about 5 minutes after the drinks arrived my doorbell went again.
you: TALIA! i screamed giving her the biggest hug.
talia: i missed youuu she said smiling.
simon: hey blaire! where's harry? he said confused at the third drink in my fridge.
you: hey, i replied hugging him. but uh no idea... i just thought i'd take him a drink to the shoot i said half, forced smile.
simon: hm okay...

📍 the shoot
we arrived!

tobi: hi guys, come in! everything's already set up we're just waiting on boggo he said smiling and greeting the three of us with hugs.
you: is there a fridge here?
ethan: *bursts out laughing* what an odd first question, there's on behind you he said pointing.
you: thankyou i said fake smiling, i want to see harry i thought.

matt: it's ten past eleven and no sign of harry, someone call him please he said stressing.
you: i will matt, i was desperate to hear his voice.

you: harry where are you? matts panicking you said.
harry: i'll be 2 minutes, uber got delayed he said.
you: okay bye.
his tone was off, ugh.

matt: where is he?
you: he said he'll be 2 minutes.

harry: i'm here! he said jogging towards all of us.
jj: yes boggo!
simon: surprisingly you're up and late again he said chuckling.
freya: nice to see you harry she said side hugging him.
matt: right, it's 11:17am, cameras rolling...
josh: 3,2,1 GO!

jj: hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to this weeks sidemen sundayyy! we've got a lot of laughs, fails and stress heads in this kitchen so let's see who cooks up the best!

-little scenes-
talia: gee pass us the freaking sauce!
gee: it's creamy, that's not the right texture.
simon: THATS WHAT SHE SAID he shouted laughing.
everyone howled.

harry: the thingy won't fit he said trying to stay serious and calm.
you: that's wayyy to out of context you replied laughing.
vik: IMMATURE he screeched trying not to laugh himself.

jj: i'm done, completely and utterly done, women can stay in the kitchen.
freya: JJ! she said jokingly mad.
you: *slap*
jj: jesus women he replied holding a rolling pin like a knife.
talia: ksi you have no knowledge or integrity she said laughing to herself.

it was a good day!

matt: and we're finished! well done guys, i'll send it over for editing and then i'll let you know when it's ready and the finical said etc!
josh: cheers matt! see you soon!

jj: i'm going to throw an after party, will you guys be ready by 7?
talia: yeah
freya: should be
ethan: of course!
harry: can do yeah
jj: cool, see you at mine for 7! oh and it isn't an open invite, unless i really like the person he said walking out of the set.

harry: before everyone leaves...
harry: blaire will you be my gorgeous girlfriend?

jj pov:
it's almost like my heart shattered the minute i heard those words but i have to be silent and let them be happy, i promised.

harry pov:
i regret it.

blaires pov:
you: this is all i ever wanted. harry didn't reply just smiled.

a/n: getting board of writing :(

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