[C68]Rebirth Part A

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Vivienne's POV:

"What happened?" The words flung out of my lips as I couldn't think of what else to ask. "What happened to my pack when they got here?" I balled my first. I was angry. There was no sense in her killing them. "I know you didn't kill all of them." She clearly took the survivors away someplace.

The woman I once thought that I could never compare to and still agree with... sat down in front of the window in a red velvet chair. She crossed her arms and pushed her black cloack over her knees and smoothed the cloth. Her posture was well defined where she sat. Lamia's stileto signature heels pointed like fangs into the hardwood floors and created a puncture. I held a gaze with her but my eyes couldn't help spot the bloodstair hiding in the crook of her red lipstick smirk. "This reminds me of the first time I saw you," she said as she looked to the floor. "but, you're not waking up from being overdosed. You're here under new circumstances. You can at least say hello. Are we not well aquainted with one another?"

"Hello again," I muttered cruely out to her. Lamia smelled like a fresh shower. Like nothing in the world had mattered enough to her. She had carelessly taken a shower even though there is a war going on in her front yard.

"I didn't get a chance to kidnap your pack mates if that is what you're suggesting. No, some of your pack mates got away. They're somewhere out there now. Don't worry. I will find them and rest them in pieces. But, you also want to know what happened when they got here?"

"Yes, I do."

It was clear I knew now what happened.
Most likely Blacktail turned on my pack thanks to Aaragorn's whole fiasco.

"Your pack's faces were priceless when Blacktail Growler's turned on them and started to attack your pack mates. But, when my men began to attack Blacktail and your sill pack things were clear of my intentions. It was like a joke... watching them reaact. They ended up teaming up together and the survivors went into the woods to retreat."

She leaned forward as she exposed her sharp fangs out in my direction. "It will be my pleasure to hunt every last one of them down and kill them."

She tried to provoke me with her words but I wasn't going to let her. I just stood there watching her expression as it left her face void of any.


I asked her slowly. My question leaving the air sour with no life in it. She snapped so fast. Her legs uncrossing and her leg slamming into the floor. It cracked a plank under her heel as she raised up from her chair.

"I find you utterly hard to be around," she told me.
"Is it because I killed Emmett?" I asked her softly. "Is your hatred out for me because you want to avenge his death?"

"It's not always about you, Vivienne," she snapped. Her eyes rolling in annoyance with me. Lamia didn't have to get back up. I got caught up in her looks alone. Her eyes capturing mine as I felt light as a feather and stuck in a tranced state of mind. I felt this once before. As her eyes seemed to stream a record of emotions into me. My heart raced in my chest as I felt anxiety overwhelming me. I was in her control. "You just happen to be of his bloodline and captured my husband's heart."

Her words broke my transe as I shook my head. "No, that's not right," I told her. "Your husband's heart is not mine. Unless you were married to Brendon. Brendon is the only man I love," I told her. He's the only one I could ever love. His pure heart of gold and loyalty will never be forgotton. I will never loose the feeling of the love we've shared. "And, your husband is smart enough to know he could never win my heart. So, how could he give me his?"

"He did," she continued to accuse and slammed her fist down on the armchair. She pratically broke it off from the force of her anger. She was restraining to kill me. I could tell. She wanted a conversation before my death. "You're dimwhitted."

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