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Back To Viv's POV:

I didn't feel like myself. I was in a dream. I couldn't focus a whole lot. Time was flowing differently as I was being told a story. A familiar lady's voice hummed to me. A wolf running with two pups across pack territories. I could smell each knew scent. Each different to match the new environment. From snow, to forest, to sands, to jungle. The wolf ran. The wolf went straight to a waterfall. The kind that was endless. Roaring to life. There, she would then let her pups rest. But before she had the chance to drink some of the water- I could hear the ferocious sound of a bare trap go off. One of the pups whimpering as death knocked. A bell's jingle went off as her second pup set off the alarm mechanism on a string. It was too late. I could hear a gun go off before seeing the mother drop dead. Her blood leaking into the stream of the waterfall. I wanted to think that mother wolf looked a alot like me. But, when I thought more on her, see looked more like Arwen.

The light filtered in through blinds. It woke me up from my vivid dream.

Oh shit, where am I?

I looked at the soft medical bed I've been in before. The familiar blankets promised me I was back in my mom's medical wing. I was back in pack territory. I felt like sighing. I could feel Arwen happy. Brendon's scent was consuming me. I felt his arms wrapped around my waist and hugging me. He was in the bed with me. I glanced behind me, seeing him sleeping. I gently grabbed a lost hair strand and pushed it behind his ear. Brendon's delicious scent was all I've wanted for a long time. I loved apple, cinnamon, and brown sugar because it  made up my favorite scent. His scent.

My stomach throbbed in pain and I realized then this wasn't my first time waking up since I've been home. I could faintly remember waking up the first time in this bed. Before Brendon joined me- I woke up to Nena and my mom. I could remember them explaining I- I lost the baby. Of course I did... It was just too early along and I wasn't being careful. I felt my eyes swell up. I had thrown a fit- and tried to deny the truth. But, they decided to give me some sedatives to help me relax. Brendon must have joined me when I was falling asleep on them.

"Brendon?" I whispered softly. I glanced out towards the floor to see Arwen curled up to a gray-patched wolf. I could only recognize the wolf as maybe- Brendon's wolf? I could see his wolf now?

'Arwen? Who is the wolf?' I asked her softly.

'This is Steele, he's Brendon's wolf,' she explained to me.

'I can see him,' I informed her. I wanted to ask her why though.

'You're mated to Brendon now,' she explained to me and yawned. She stretched before curling back up in a litte spoon as Steele was the big spoon.


"Brendon," I said louder now as I hit his arm. He didn't budge from my hit. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

'He's with the moon goddess on a visit,' Steele told me suddenly. 'Get some more sleep. He will be back soon,' he promised.

'He went without you?'

'I'm here to protect you,' Steele told me as he licked Arwen's head. 'Now get some sleep.'

I couldn't rest. I felt restless. He needed to come back to me now, so I could tell him about Niall. "Please," I whispered. I kissed his forehead. "Send him back to me. I need him here, moon goddess," I mumbled out my prayer. I could only hope she would listen to my plea.

I moved out of his arms when I decided he wasn't going to wake up any time soon. I looked around before seeing a bag of my things on the chair. I walked over to see a note signed by Nena.

'Got you some things from your room to wear,' was neatly written for me and signed by her. I crumbled the note and threw it away before picking up my pink duffle bag and took it into the attached bathroom. I felt my tears hit the surface as I turned on the shower. I forgot but I had just been in this same situation- except I crawled out of the window to make my escape. This time, I didn't need to because I was home.

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