[C56]Dark Deeds

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Continuation of Vivienne's POV:

"What did the note say?"

Alpha Aaragorn asked casually. We sat at a round table. It was just the two of us. It was private and he asked that even the guards outside were to not listen in. The room we were in was held for meetings. Obviously his father like a business setting for pack meetings. It was stylish... despite the Victorian styles that sat the pack cave back by a few decades.

"Lamia asked for my pack to surrender."

"What did she offer in return?"

I laughed at his question. Because, he sounded so innocent. He didn't know her at all. She was giving false hopes in her, 'offer'. Lamia wanted but one thing... to bring misery upon my family. Especially me.

"You don't have to tell me... I can already guess the false hopes she spilt out on that slip of paper. You should know that despite what happened in your pack's territory you have an open place here... especially in this trying time."

"Thank you, Aaragorn. We are in your debt," I whispered.

"Really it's me- who I should be giving my gratitude. Your pack risked lives to come here to save our backs. We're ready to put our lives on the line for you if you decide..." he trailed off.

Aaragorn sounded like he didn't know what to say. Just like me. I wasn't trained for this position. I was thrown into it. I crossed my legs under the table as I looked down in my lap.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"How is your mate doing?" He asked me as he stood up and walked around the table. He made it to an open bar and poured himself a glass of vodka and a second. He brought one to me as an offering. "Any signs he's awake, yet?"

"No... It looks like I'll be making this decision alone," I told him as I took the glass from him. I looked down into it and sighed heavily. "I'm sorry, Aaragorn. I wasn't prepared for any of this. I don't know what to do," I admitted.

"Neither do I," he laughed softly. "You hear about war stories as a pup but you never think it could be you in those situations."

I clashed my glass with his to cheer before downing the double shot he poured me.

"What are we going to do?" I sighed out. I came here to him for some peace of mind. We had to discuss this together, I decided. We were both left in such a mess.

"Might I suggest we send word to Everfur Growlers? We find out what they're deciding."

"I sent my father north," I admitted.

"Are you thinking about running?" He asked me.

"N-no... He thinks there is a pack there that could help us," I explained.

"There's nothing up there. That's a lost cause. He might return to us all dead," he told me as he finished his double shot. He sat the glass on the table. "Well... At least he was smart to leave."

I growled softly.

"My father is not a coward. He went there with belief there is someone there that can help us," I growled out.

Was he really suggesting my father ran away from pack duties?!

Told a lie to cover his trail and leave?!

Father would never!

Aaragorn put his hands up in true innocence.

"I really meant no offence," he shouted. "Please calm down, Luna Vivienne."

I fell silent.

It was strange to hear my name so formally.

"If your alpha doesn't wake up," he said quickly. He turned over pages that had been in front of me. I thought they were put there so casually. With no purpose really. But, there it was.... a perfectly drawn out marriage license. It was waiting for signatures. "Will you combine packs with me?" He asked. I gripped the edge of my seat as I stared down the papers. "I need a luna... and you will need an alpha," he offered.

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