[C40]Luna Of Blacktail Growlers

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"So, who are you?" I asked. I had been speaking to this woman but I didn't know who she was. All I know is I've been on my own, long enough. Marquis dropped me off here after I passed out. When I woke up I was escorted from a lavish apartment sized bedroom to a formal parlor room. Decorated with antique Victorian style furnature and nick-nacks. The painting and marked plaque explaining it was Lamia and Eder hung over a fireplace. I didn't understand why that was here of all places. Did something happen when I was asleep? Did they kill Marquis and bring me here? This lady wasn't Lamia.

She was quite the opposite. Short and plump with curves. She was motherly age and in appearance. I didn't recognize her at all. I knew though she was a werewolf. Her sweet scent of sunflowers and ferns flowed naturally in the room. By the smell of earl gray, she drunk it often in this very room. She had the scent of wolf but not from the pack. Since I couldn't remember all the scents of the bordering packs.. It was safe to say I was in one of them. I had to be. I just had a feeling. Her expression showed care. Something I found favorable amongst mother wolves. They saw everyone as someone to take care of.

"You're in Blacktail Growler's territory."

I choked on the very air I breathed in.

"Why am I here?" I asked in amazement. I didn't think I would be here of all places. "And, who are you?" I pressed.

"Marquis knocked on our pack doors and asked for us to take you in. He said you were being targeted by Lamia and this was the safest place for you. He's right."

"Again, who are you?" I mumbled. "Why is the painting of Lamia and Dragavei on your wall? How do you connect to them?"

"You don't remember me do you?" She asked softly.

"What is there to remember? I never met you before."

"Malakai, I named you," she told me softly.

We sat at a round glass table. With a tea set between us. White victorian chairs decorated on two sides of the table but we both faced the fireplace. It was lit with red flames. The rest of the room was heavily decorated with bookcases and thousands of journals. We were on a ground floor. The windows were floor to ceiling and able to fold open. There was a soft cold wind blowing into the room and outside I could see a vast forest. It was only a few feet outside of the window. Unlike our pack house, there was fields before forest. This was more remotely located. I could hear the forest calling to my wolf. I wanted to run as this woman told me, she was the one who named me.

"Who... are you?" I stuttered out. How important is she if she was the one who named me? If she was my mother's best friend? My father's lover?

"I'm your mother, Sophie Sutton... But everyone here knows me as Jenna Blacktail." I know the Blacktail name means she must be married to the alpha of this pack. I looked her in the eyes in disbelief.

"My mother died," I told her quickly. "Father told me himself. My mother was his soul mate. His precious and favorite mate. That's why he loved me so much all my life. If you're her then I want to go home. Because if you're still alive and making him believe you're dead then you're nothing but their equal," I said as I looked at Lamia's stature.

"I know, I have a lot of explaining to do," she told me and reached across the table to take my hand. "But what I'm telling you IS true. I am Sophie."

"Do you have any proof?" I asked her as I looked at her hand in shock. There's no way she could be my mother. Everyone knows she died and the only one to tame my father's wolf again was my step mom. E-even if SHE is my mom.... could I give her any affection?

"Would you listen to someone you know?" She asked curiously.

"Is there someone here?" I muttered curiously.

The Scarlet LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz