[C9]Lost Track Of Time

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I woke up feeling my phone buzzing. Someone was calling me. But more importantly, someone was knocking on my door frantically. "Honey! Open up!" It was Romona's voice on the other end. I looked down at my phone to see 100 miss calls from Alpha Brendon. "Vivienne Blair!" She shouted and used her mother's voice to try to get me to obey. I checked the time to see it was around midnight. Wow, I fell asleep around lunchtime...

'Blair!' Arwen said in relief. 'What took you so long to cross back over?' She asked in a worried tone. I looked around in confusion as my head still felt foggy. I could hear voices on the other side of the door. Someone else was with Romona? I heard what sounded like a drill start up and I widened my eyes as I realized what was happening. They're taking my door off my hinges?!!

"Mom!" I shouted and got to my feet but fell back down on the bed as the world seemed to spin. "Mom! I'm ok!" I told her and I heard the drill stop.

"Honey!" She shouted in relief. "Honey open the door! Can you open the door?"

I took a deep breath before getting back up, this time slowly. "Y-yeah, hold on!" I told her as I walked towards the door. I held my head as I unlocked it. I had to step back as the door flung open. I suddenly felt my body get lifted off the ground and the smell of apples and cinnamon made me realize who was here. "Alpha Brendon?" I asked in confusion. He growled as he hugged me to his chest. He seemed to be breathing me in as he looked around the room. "What's the matter?" I asked and tensed up. I looked over his shoulder to see my father holding a drill. My mom was in tears, looking relieved. Mal, Cal, Innath, and Niall were trying to comfort her. And Nena stood nearby with her arms crossed. She looked at me and shook her head before bringing a phone to her ear to tell someone I was okay. "What's going on?" I asked them.

'You've been unconscious for several hours, Blair. There's something else too...'

"We were worried when you didn't respond. Why didn't you?" My father asked and raised an eyebrow. Obviously he was wondering about why the alpha was hugging me but that will have to be explained later.

"I-" I looked at Alpha Brendon. "After I finished the call with you, I thought it would be best if I talked to the moon goddess first. So I took some Melatonin to help me sleep."

"Did you talk with her?" Alpha Brendon asked in relief. I nodded and gave him a smile but it faded as worry was still relatively on his face. "Something happened while you were crossed over. Blair, he's no longer able to shift. He doesn't have contact with his Wolf either."

"Emmett?" I asked.

I adverted my eyes as relief washed over me. This is all going to easily be covered up in no time. "Wait, where is Cole?" I asked as I noticed he was the only one missing.

"He's by Emmett," Nena told me as she waved the phone. I pushed my way out of Alpha Brendon's arms and walked towards her.
"Give me the phone Nena," I didn't wait as I took it from her and put the phone up to my ear. "Cole?"

"Yeah Viv?" Cole asked with a shaky breath. I growled softly.
"I want you to let him go," I whispered into the phone. "He's not a good person. Please just walk away," I begged.
"That's kinda hard to do... I'm already leaving with him."
"What? Where are you going?" I asked in a sad tone.
"He's been asked to leave the pack and I'm going with him, Viv."
"But... he's not your soulmate, Cole. You have to hold out for your soulmate. You'll see, your soulmate will mean everything to you... and you'll forget about him. He's wrong for you, Cole."

"That's my decision to make, Viv."

I felt tears rush down my cheeks as he hung up on me. I looked over my shoulder and looked at Alpha Brendon. "You kicked him out?" I asked and clenched my teeth together. "MY baby brother is with that monster and this is all because you asked him to leave!" I pointed a finger at him. "Did no one think Cole would just stay behind?!" I shouted as I looked at Mal. He held up his arms to protect himself.

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