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Continuing With Vivienne's POV:

I thought we would return to the castle but we stopped by a clothes store to pick out some pants for Calcifer. Lamia couldn't stand his nude body much more then I could. She said it was because of all the attention if was dragging to us. She paid for pants and a shirt that would fit him. Surprisingly there was a store in the neighborhood for our needs. She explained on the way in, the store was for pet clothing.

All of it was for average humans.
Do vampires keep werewolves as pets? It would explain the collar and leash I woke up on. I rubbed my neck deep in thought as Lamia took us back up the castle's hillside. As soon as the town was out of our sights I looked Cal in the eyes. Lamia was unguarded.. Could two of us take her on? Just long enough for one of us to slip away?

'Only if you btie her,' he told me as he got the hinted signal I was sending him.
'What do you mean?'
'Our venomous bites can kill a vampire,' he told me. I gasped. That's why he had a few teeth missing on the bite mark. They took out his teeth?!
So, vampires are allergic to our bites, huh?

It's a shame I'm going to shred this dress to escape. I could kill that bitch in one bite! All I have to do... is sink my teeth into her. I was about to step out of my shoe when I saw a shadow move from up the hill. I squinted my eyes to try to see who it was. Suddenly a horse came into my view- on top of the white stallion was Eder. I could hear Lamia groan under her breath as he rode down to us and stopped the horse by her side.

"Are you walking?" He asked her in alarm. His eyes flashed to me suddenly. I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach he had appeared for different reasons. This was the first time I saw him since... His blush.
"My dear husband why would you care?" Lamia asked him defensively. Eder gave her a hand and raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe because you're a queen," he told her. "You could easily be assassinated right now," he warned her. I heard about a dozen horses hit the top of the hill and come into my vision as men rode down to us. They were dressed in a similar military outfit with guns on their hips.

Well shit.

He laughed and I could tell Lamia was pissed as she used his hand to get on the horse. I looked over her pissed expression. Eder smiled towards me. His white hair had been braided to keep neat and he had already put on long boots for the occassion of riding. He was planning this- somehow... Like the dress?

'This must be her husband. He never leaves the castle,' Cal told me as he looked at me. 'Have you met him before or something? The way he looks at you...'

'I think he's just on our side- somehow,' I thought to him as I looked his way.

"How long are you going to keep your guest from her brother? It was very nobel of you to take her to her other brother's match in the arena," Eder looked at his men as they arrived and someone reached down and grabbed me by my waist before picking me up and sitting me on the horse with them. My back hit a set of breast and I was surprised to be met by the stench of human. I figured it would be another vampire. "But Cole expressed his greatest wish to see his sister. I told him she was here and he admitted he didn't know a thing about it," he tsked out.

"It's on the scheduel," Lamia told him and sighed as she looked towards me and frowned. We weren't moving. They were waiting on Eder's command. He had more authority here then I was begining to doubt. He lifted Lamia's chin until she faced him. He leaned in and kissed her passionately. His eyes staying open and looking straight at me. I felt my spin shivering.

'FUCKING VAMPIRES!' Arwen howled out. I could smell her hatred. 'Why is he looking at you like that? Does he have no loyalty to his wife!?'

Now that I think of all this... The man can teleport. Why did he come down here on a horse? He doesn't leave the castle anyways. He dressed for riding. Plus, the way he gave me the dress... Is teleporting the only think he can do? Did he see his wife about to die and came to her aid?
Because I was going to kill her just now.

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