[C52]Fallen Soldier

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Niall's POV:

"They did good out there," I heard Lamia's sweet voice say as I entered her private room. "The numbers of deaths were high for the wolves..." She chuckled. "And, I didn't even send the whole army." She tossed a report onto the table beside her. I looked towards Andrew who was carefully rubbing her feet down with lotion. I smirked as I picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

"They really did," I agreed. We sat in her room in front of the fire place. Andrew redesigned the room to have a coffee table and a set of Victorian chairs facing each other.

"Oh, how is your brother doing?" Lamia asked me and gave me a concerning look. "I overheard Meynard went a little-"

"Lamia," I interrupted. "He killed Cal," I growled in irritation. She gasped in surprise.

"What? I'm so sorry!" She laughed out. Her humor sometimes... I kept a frown on my face to tell her I was upset. She settled down the minute she understood how I was feeling. "I really would never allow something like that," she promised me and snatched my hand holding the cup. "You believe me, don't you?" I put on a small smile.

"It wasn't your doing... Meynard was in the act."

"I could punish him for you," she suggested. "How do you want him to suffer? He can't die.... but I can make his life miserable."

"No.... I don't seek revenge..." I sighed. Meynard might be old but he doesn't have any common sense. He doesn't have emotions so how could he possibly feel pain? Revenge is useless. "But in return for loosing a brother... you have to do you best to make sure Cole lives," I told her sternly. "Will you donate your blood to a good cause?"

"Of course," Lamia told me quickly. "Anything to make you feel better. Your unhappiness puts a damper on my parade. You know this is supposed to be my happy time."

"I really appreciate it," I told her and smiled sweetly. "I'm sure your fledgling Emmett would have appreciated knowing his lover was being well taken care of too after his passing."

"Mhhhh.... I think so to."

Lamia took her hand away from me to pick back up the report.

"Darling," she called out and looked my way. "I do have something important for you to do." She looked at her feet suddenly. "Go away, Andrew." Andrew stood up quickly and left us. As soon as he was gone it was confirmed to me she didn't want him to overhear. "Will you take care of the two Knowles knights?"

"But, aren't they some of the best knights you have?" I asked in small confusion. Even though it was clear when I lost my brother... they were not working for Lamia. She later informed me they weren't of her doing. They're working for someone other then her. Possibly the wolves... No wonder she wants me to take care of them. "You're right... we better cut them off now," I muttered under my breath.

"Exactly." She looked me in the eyes. "When you see them again, do not hesitate to kill them." I nodded and smirked at her. She cleared her throat. "And, for our next attack we will go straight to the heart of Scarlet Nightwalkers. Before their Luna can return, preferably."

"Their best warriors are still in Blacktail," I noted. She was a great war strategist. She got them out of their territory with a distraction. She hit both side packs and will strike their weak. This will stir them to come to us directly. They will die... they will all die or be cattle.

"Yes, I know. I told Meynard to head straight to Scarlet Nightwalkers. But, don't be noticed."

"What's the next move after that?"

"Well... we let the rest come to us." She laughed then. "It's like a fly being lured in by the fly trap. When they're here they won't be able to escape."

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