[C47]Scarlet Forest

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The sky was full of shadows as the moon hid behind an ocean of clouds. There was no end or beginning to them. It didn't take long for me (and Brendon) to catch up with the pack. Our speed seemed to match as I remembered, I was one of the fastest wolves around. Brendon- an alpha was barely able to catch my tail as he followed. The pack was huge, but I had a feeling we were still outnumbered compared to Blacktail's pack. In size, Blacktail Growlers and the Everfur Howlers were massive packs. Our pack was just a few hundred heads short compared to them. It's funny to think that The Scarlet Knightwalkers was once two seperate packs. They must have been strong to be so few. And, then they took on Lamia and actually won. There must have been strong warriors in the packs. Because, even after defeating a vampire myself... I realize I was only able to do it because I had my k-9s and... Emmett was a fresh blood sucker. It was like killing an infant. He couldn't control his emotions or his own strength.

Without my teeth, all I will have is my strength when we go to war.

Considering how well I handled the rogue from before...

I might not be living come the end of this full moon.

When we reached the borders there was only silence as we smelled the unchecked scent markers for Blacktail. It alerted us they drawn back their warriors for something centering their pack. The scent of blood carried in the wind. But the closer I reached where they were beginning to crowd the more I realized whose blood was spilled.

Arwen howled in fear.

'Malakai!' Arwen howled to tell me what she picked up on. I could smell his scent. 'It's Fang too!' She told me. Their scarlet scents struck my nose as I only caught a view of Mal. Where's Fang? 'Who cares! It's Malakai!' Arwen said in excitement. Mal's small wolf form trotted up to us. He was limping and hiked his leg when he met us at nose length. I could smell the fresh blood that came from his wounds. He had opened them back up and I could taste the scent of wolfsbane coming off of him. Oh no! Mal! What happened to you? I raced to his side as I eyed over his injuries. NENA! I need to take him to Nena. My thoughts were taken away from me as he snapped his jaws to try to keep me away. 'Viv, don't touch the wound. You don't want to get wolfsbane on you and then find yourself injured,' he warned. Several wolves stepped back as they smelled his scent. This was not something any of us wanted to be around. Malakai was a much smaller wolf compared to my older brothers. He was weaker... He was my baby brother. And, all I can remember is how bad it was last time he took on a rogue. What's happened to him? Has he been in Blacktail this whole time? DID THEY TAKE HIM!?

I felt furious rage taking me over as Arwen edged it on.


'Malakai!' My father's voice linked through my mind as I saw him rush to his side and lick behind his ears. 'You're back,' he said in relief. Malakai shook him off as he stopped in front of Brendon and looked him straight in the eyes.

'Lamia attacked Blacktail Growlers while they were least expecting it. Fang got word to the Alpha that you were requesting a treaty-' he glanced around. 'I guess the messenger didn't make it. They're in.'

So- wait?

Blacktail is not the enemy here? They actually want to help us defeat Lamia? Good- but it doesn't explain why Mal was with Blacktail this whole time. I thought... he was safe with one of Eder's knights...

'We have to help them,' I blurted out. My mind linking in on the possible deaths that could be happening in Blacktail's territory thanks to Lamia.

The pack looked ready to move on my command as I budged to run for where Mal came from. Someone caught my tail and stopped me.

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