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Malakai's POV:

'I know you can't believe me but it's the truth. There was a vampire in Viv's room. He held Niall's phone for some reason because he was in there to take her phone. He's somehow working with Niall. For some reason brother Niall ordered him to take Viv's phone- but when you were in there... he done something with your memory.' Moro told me as I looked at my face in the creek's water. I splashed into it as I crossed it on all fours and ran for the other side.
'I believe you,' I told him as I panted. 'I just can't go telling people what I know right now. Niall doesn't know I know.'
'You want to keep it that way? What if he knows? He saw the mark that vampire left on you.'
'You're right. He probably know by now,' I groaned out. 'He will know you told me.'
'Vampires don't understand how loyal wolves can be,' Moro chuckled out.

I sped up in my run as I made it into the thick protection the woods provided for me. I was on boarder patrol again. Surprisingly they allowed me to do this alone. I got the orders straight from dad. With Innath dead, Cal and Viv missing, and Niall now on beta duties the patrol was missing quite a few paws on the boarders. We had to recruit new pack members. Ones that trained to fight. Their snouts weren't adjusted to picking up scents. So while they were being trained, I would be out here on the easiest side to guard- alone.
Alpha Brendon was putting more strength now on the boarders. Thanks to his Luna being abducted. I was surprised he didn't make us all follow him off to war. It's probably because he's gathering alliances from other alphas. He will not go into war alone against Lamia.

I lept over a dead tree in my way- landing swiftly on the ground. I was about to continue my run when I heard a metal trap shut. I howled in pain as I felt my leg snap. The pain sprung through my body and made me transform back as panic sat in me. I have to- I cried as my new limb's snap echoed through the forest around me. I looked at the trap on my leg and watched blood and bone breach my skin. I trembled as I looked over the device. H-how? Why? Why is there one out here in the pack's territory? Shit!

'ALPHA!' I screamed through the only link I could think of. 'HUNTERS!' I warned as I fiddled with the trap. The only way to unhook it was with a key- I rubbed my hand over the key hole and started to cry.

'IIt's okay,' Moro tried to calm me down. 'It's okay, we will get out of this,' he promised. I followed the chain it connected to- seeing it staked to the ground and started to dig and pull it loose.

'We're coming,' I heard my father's protective voice.
'Hang in there, I'm on my way, Mal,' I could hear Niall's worried voice then.

I loosened the dirt around the rod in the ground only to find it kept going. It was burried in deep. Like it predicted this. Whoever put it into the ground here. I looked at my leg worriedly, seeing it trying to heal but failing. I looked around as panic sat in. I smelled the earth worriedly. Under the smell of my own blood I caught the familair scent of wolfsbane. A herb my mother warned me about when I was a child. I looked at the trap digging into my leg. No... Did.... someone... I touched the sharp edges to feel a sticky clear substance come off of it. I tensed up as I pulled the substance to my nose and smelled it. Wolfsbane. I looked towards my wound, seeing it's healing process stop. This stuff must be in my system now. I felt light headed suddenly.

'Mal,' Moro's warning voice was faded from my mind. He sounded distant. Almost like a wall was being put up between us. I smelled the stuff on my fingers some more- not sure what else there was mixed with the wolfsbane- But as I looked up at the tree line... the stars twinkled. The moon was only a few days away from being full. I looked up at it, wondering if the moon goddess could see this. Was she coming to walk me back with her now?
'I'm going to die here,' I thought as I listened to the ground around me. Howls were on the opposite end of the pack's territory. Weren't they coming to save me? They're so far away... I looked up at the treeline and felt my heart leap out of my chest. It pounded as I felt stuck in the same position. Unable to change or move as I looked up at the dancing shadows.

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