[C12]An Alpha Rogue Intruder

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I found my way to the kitchen easily since it was the first familiar thing about the pack house to me. The whole pack was alive and questioning what the pack meeting was supposed to be about. Some eyes was following me and I got the feeling they were wondering if it'd be announced I was Luna... After all, I am sleeping with him. I'm sure they can smell it by now. Alpha Brendon was like an idol. He didn't do anything without the pack's knowledge. In the kitchen, the pack's head chief had made some buffalo chicken crossiant rolls. It was the first thing I grabbed a plate of when it was offered by one of the kitchen staff. Omegas mostly ran the pack kitchen. If it wasn't cleaning, then they were good at cooking and laundry. I took my plate with me out of the kitchen to continue on my hunt for Alpha Brendon.

His scent took me outside where I found him talking to my father in the training field. His pupils he had been training were stretching and taking a break. Looks like Brendon is giving my father a heads up on the pack meeting's genre. I was about to walk out to them but felt someone grab my elbow and suddenly smelled Mal. I turned to face him in alarm. He gave me a smile and stole a crossiant off my plate to try.

"Hey!" I shouted playfully and smacked him. He laughed and ate the whole thing.
"What's up?" He asked me as he whipped his hands off. Mal had joined me, wearing a black tank top and gym shorts. Of course, this was out of his style. So, odds are he would be shifting back into a wolf soon and didn't want to bother styling his outfit.
"Aren't you supposed to be back out there with Niall soon?" I wondered as I rememberd he was now on 'double' duty. Thanks to Cole and Emmett.
"Pack meeting prolongued my lunch break," he told me. "Niall and I have to stay here until the meeting is over. Speaking of which, what's going on?" He asked curiously.

"I think we'll be inceasing-" I was cut off as I heard a growl come from across the field. Arwen snorted out like she knew exactly what I felt. Trouble. I looked towards Brendon to see him glaring me down. He started for me then but I didn't move as I stuffed my face with a crossiant. This might be my last meal. When he reached me he looked at Mal.

"Get lost," he told Mal suddenly. Mal awkwardly walked away and rubbed the back of his head as he went into the pack house. Brendon watched him before looking at me. "What part of 'stay' wasn't clear to you?" He asked me.

"The part where I'm not your mate so you can't boss me around like that," I told him.
"I'M YOUR ALPHA," He growled out and I suddenly felt ALL eyes on us. I lowered my gaze to the ground and pouted.

"Yes Alpha," I whispered softly. I felt tears coming to the surface but tried not to whimper in front of him. I couldn't stand this. I didn't even mean those words, it was just how loyal I felt to him. I glanced up at my father watching us. He looked like he wanted to help me but he wasn't about to go against his alpha.

Brendon seemed to calm down as he touched my chin and made me look up into his eyes. I could see his crystal blue eyes as he looked back into mine. He leaned down to linger his lips against mine. "I just want to keep you safe," he told me softly. "I don't want to control you. I can see now, you came out because you were hungry. You deserve to also be part in the pack meeting. I'm sorry I'm over reacting. It's just.. A lot going on right now, Blair." I nodded before leaning up and kissed his lips softly, to forgive him.

Brendon's eyes glazed over gray before he looked straight towards the woods and tensed up. I felt the hairs on my arms stand up. Something was going on... Brendon looked back at me as his eyes were blue again and he held me in his arms. "Blair, go inside. Listen to me, go inside right now," he begged and pushed my hair back behind my ear. "Don't come back out without my permission." He was about to back up from me- towards the woods but I stopped him.

"What happened?" I asked as I noticed my father shift into his wolf form and run towards the woods. "What's going on? Are they bringing Cole back?" I asked curiously and looked around as I noticed some of our best warriors shifting and following my father. I looked to see Brendon giving me a worried look. Mal was about to pass us but Brendon stopped him, grabbing his shoulder.

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