[C33]Secret Lovers

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Brendon's POV:

I crossed over awhile ago.

We had to settle Vivienne down after she found out- about the baby. I didn't remember falling asleep. I must have been exhausted. I just know I was now walking in the moon's territory. Steele wasn't with me. Which meant he's still following orders to stay with Blair. I didn't need him to find the moon goddess. This was a familiar path. She often called upon me. I barely had free time in my sleep. It was usually taking a run with her. I howled, alerting her I was here. I didn't want to waste time. I wanted to get back to Blair. My beautiful red head she-wolf. My life- mate. I want to be with her for as long-

A howl broke my thoughts. It sounded so familiar. I tensed up and glanced around as I waited for impact. I could hear his paws a mile away. Our spirits collided as Luke knocked the breath out of me. I laughed as we tumbled down a dark hill. When we hit the bottom I was on top and growling playfully at my first beta.

"LUKE!" I growled out happily. "Don't you have spirit duties?" I teased him as I bit down into his ear. I could almost taste his fur in my mouth. He would get into trouble a thousand times if she catches him here seeing me.

"Relax! This is my duty," he promised me. "I have to lead you somewhere!" He said in excitement.

We took off running as he guided me. We ran through the dark woods of the moon's territory until we came to a light. It lead us into the familiar scent of just outside my own territory. Luke kept running away from my pack's territory and leading me into the unknown parts of the forest. Until we came across a small clearing. I could smell his scent then, Niall. Luke kept us just behind the tree line as we followed Niall's wolf form. He was running. We followed him as he was getting closer towards just a town in the clearing. What is my beta doing?

Niall stopped just before he made it towards the opening of the town. From the scent of where we were I could tell the town was Lamia's territory. The vampire's cursed stench was leaking out into the woods like a warning. In the shadows we saw eyes from rogues that were clearly guarding the territory. They let Niall pass without a growl his way. Of course we went unnoticed. Protected, by the spirits.

"They must know him," I muttered in conclusion. We slipped by a few rogues watching Niall. "Unless he came here because someone sent for him. Like an invitation. Why else would he come here?" I asked Luke.

"Clever Alpha," Luke said as he wagged his tail happily. "Come on, let's see what he's doing here then."

"Why are you leading me here?" I wondered aloud. I didn't mean to ask. I'm sure the moon goddess has her reasons for wanting me to follow Niall. I was- just now trying to track him down. At least I know he's not being kidnapped. It looks like he's come here on his own.

Niall stopped running as he looked at something in the clearing. He cleared his throat and it startled me. I haven't heard his wolf togue this whole time. It had been so quiet. He transformed into his human form instead and suddenly someone appeared at the clearing. "Edric," Niall said in annoyance. "You've been making life difficult for me." I felt my jaw clench. Niall, what have you been doing? How can you speak so- freely amongst strangers?

"I've been? Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Edric- the man that just came into view wasn't recognizable by phsical appearence but when the wind picked up I knew then- I smelled him before. In Innath's room on the medical wing at the pack house. He wasn't the same scent from the man we smelled in Mal's room but I could tell they were related.

"ME?" Niall growled out angrily. "No, I don't think it's a mirror. Rather a clear peice of glass." He was angry. I felt angry! Niall, kill this man! For your brother! Edric only chuckled. The two grew closer. As we followed Niall, we could see just behind Edric was a road leading into town. Now that it was growing dark, there seemed to be lights coming on. I could smell the blood stained cobblestone roads. It made me want to puke at the amount of death radiating from the edge of it all. The castle was just above the town, overlooking it.

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