[C15]When I Woke Up

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My head hurt as I opened my eyes slowly. I felt stiff. My throat was dry. But, I could smell I was home. It was such a funny thing to remember. I still had a blury vision as I opened my eyes to my bedroom. They must've moved me here once I started recovering. I woke up alone. My leg was heavy and stiff- making me realize it was still in a cast. I glanced over at my nightstand to see my phone on charge. I know it was possible I'd wake up alone... but I still felt sad from it. I know they were all off doing their own things for the pack... but it still hurt. I sort of felt unimportant.

I threw the covers off me to look at the damage. I wiggled my toes as I looked down at them. I felt a little light headed from moving but I shook it off. Looks like I can chance it and get up. My toes were wiggling on my broken side. I grabbed my phone to check the date and my jaw dropped. One week. It's been a whole week! I almost gasped in shock. No- No way... I've been gone for a full week!? It only felt like a day on the other side. I glanced around my room to see flower arrangments and get-well cards. Looks like the pack's been giving them to me. I mean... I am the next unnanounced Luna of this pack. I dialled the first number that I could think of. Malakai.

I listened to it ring a few times, worry written all over my face.
Please pick up....

The phone turned over to voicemail and I felt tears rush to my face. I trembled as I thought about what I'd been through. He died.. It's all my fault! No! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE I LOST MY BROTHER! I picked up my leg and made my way into my first step off the bed. After I got use to the weight on my leg I started for the door. I noticed someone had dressed me in one of my mother's nightgowns. It was probably easier to put on me then my own clothes. I walked out into the hall and smelled the air- listening to the quiet house. I looked around before taking a deep breath. Mal's bedroom is on the other side of the house. I can do this.

'BLAIR!' I heard Arwen growl in a warning tone before breaking into a howl. 'GET OFF YOUR LEG!' She snarled. I had to grab onto the wall as I trembled from her warning tone. 'GET BACK IN THAT BED OR SO HELP ME,' She warned with a river of concern running through her voice. I felt panic rising in me as I looked around. I haven't heard her voice in what felt like... forever.

"Arwen?" I asked in relief.
'Blair,' she whined. 'Please get off your leg. It's still healing.'
"Arwen," I cried out softly. "Is- is Mal dead?" I asked softly.
'No, please get back in bed,' she begged. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Where is everyone? Where's Mal?" I asked and looked down the hall.
Has Arwen been watching over everyone while waiting on me to come home?

"He's still recovering at the pack house. He woke up before you, don't worry. Everyone doesn't understand why you were still sleeping. Alpha Fang told them you might be with the moon goddess or on an important journey she sent you on. So they were convinced to let you go home and rest in your bed.'

I sighed out in relief and turned around, going back into the bedroom. I could feel my body tremble in pain from the walk over. I collapsed as soon as I was close enough, my body giving up. I felt my head hit th soft pillows as I curled back up under the covers. All I can do now is recover.

"Arwen, how much longer until I'm healed?" I asked softly.

'Your mother said you can take the cast off. She just left it on incase you woke up without her or someone else being around. She wants you to take it easy on your leg.'

I sighed in irritation. Of course she would. I picked my phone back up, not realizing I left it on my bed. I looked at the contacts on my phone before sighing as my eyes landed on Alpha Brendon's name. I decided to call him, waiting for him to answer my call.

"Blair!" Alpha Brendon shouted as he answered. He sounded relieved. "Thank the moon you're awake. I've been so worried."
"Yeah, I saw I was asleep for a week," I told him. My voice sounded stiff. "Where are you right now?" I asked curiously. What have I missed since I've been gone?
"Eating lunch at the pack house and looking at a pile of work on my desk," he told me and groaned. "I really need a beta," he chuckled out. "This work keeps piling up on me."
"You haven't appointed a beta?" I growled in concern.
"The thought hasn't passed my mind since I've already gone through two since I've been Alpha."
"Luna is going to be scolding you in your dreams," I mumbled playfully and smiled.

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