36; The Talk.

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THE SURGERY TOOK seven hours because it was more complicated than the two expected. Aisha did get scared at one point, but she held herself together and they were both able to do their jobs right.

By the time they were done it was 6pm and that's usually when Aisha goes home. So, after the surgery, she and Aslam parted their ways since he needed to go and pray while she needed to head home. They didn't talk much then, aside from bidding each other farewell on a good, though exhausted note, and went their separate ways.

When Aisha stopped by her office, there was no sign of Jannah there so she could only assume the girl didn't return after what happened. She wasn't that worried though, for she was too worn out and all she wanted to do was head back home, pray and sink in her bed after getting something to eat.

In that position, she doubts she would even have the strength to eat. She can simply munch on some junk food in her room-fingers crossed Mommy won't get her. The woman hates it when she eats food in her bed, for obvious reasons.

She managed to get in her car and drive herself home. Luckily, she didn't run into anyone probably because they are in their rooms. Besides, it's just her, Mommy and Abba. The maids don't stay for that long unless there's something going on. And Hajiya luckily hasn't been coming for a while so they haven't faced the old woman's drama for a while.

Once she reached her room, she managed to drag herself to the en suite and took a well needed shower-mindful of the time so she won't miss Magrib prayer. When she was done, she wore her nightwear and prayed first before she headed downstairs to look for something to it. Somehow, after taking a shower, she had washed away half the exhaustion so she didn't mind going down to eat.

It wasn't until after she had eaten the food she found in the kitchen and was washing the plate when she heard footsteps approaching her. She turned around slightly, looking over her shoulder. A smile instantly took over her features, "Mommy na"

"Aisha, andawo lafiya?" Mommy asked, her lips stretched into a smile.

Noticing the tray in Mommy's hands, Aisha hastily placed the now washed and dried plate aside and closed the distance between her and Mommy, taking it from her. "Alhamdullilah" She kept the tray aside.

Mommy placed a hand on the counter, leaning on it slightly. "Judging from how long you took; I guess you've resumed work. Right?" She didn't miss the way Aisha's smile widened when she said that, it's obvious what her answer is.

Aisha nodded, "Yes, Mommy. I've resumed work"

"Toh Masha Allah, Alhamdllilah" Mommy moved away from the counter and walked towards Aisha, before wrapping an arm around her daughter. "I'm glad you've worked out whatever problem it is you had" She said softly, making the girl look at her with slightly wide eyes.

Aisha hadn't told anyone what was going on with her at work. But, she should've realized Mommy will realize there's something wrong with her because she had never spent that long without going to work. Besides, with the way she has been cooping herself up in her room looking all depressed and whatnot. Aside from that, even with Jannah staying in their house, the girl wasn't as active as jovial as she usually is when they are together.

It's obvious something was wrong with her, and since she didn't Hajiya Asiya about it, the woman decided to not say a thing about it either. Aisha is old enough to handle her own problems, and if she decides to keep it to herself, not wanting to worry them, then she would trust she will handle it on her own.

Aisha didn't bother to deny it. Instead, her smile widened. "I did. Luckily, there are still good people in the world"

"There are. After all, not everyone's a rotten apple"

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Where stories live. Discover now