28; And Then They Met.

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Because I was bribed with comments😂😭

"HUMAIRA IS WHAT?!" Jannah exclaimed, hastily stepping out of the en suite with her toothbrush in her mouth. Thankfully, she hadn't applied the toothpaste on it yet. She didn't care about that though, as she left her room with her phone in hand and stormed into the room next to hers not bothering to knock.

She rolled her eyes, seeing the room dark. Hissing slightly, she flickered the lights on as she made her way further into the room, only to be met with a glare from the person seated on the bed, a laptop placed in front of her. Ignoring the glare, that followed her as she settled on the bed comfortably, she shoved her phone in front of her friend. "What is this I'm seeing?" She asked, as if the woman would confirm her thoughts.

Aisha sighed, shaking her head as she glanced at Jannah's phone to see what the girl is showing her. Her brows drew in, before she shrugged as she looked away. "What did your eyes see for you?" She asked, pulling her laptop close to her before the girl would do something to it.

Jannah scoffed, staring at the phone in disbelief. "Pregnant fa!" She exclaimed, blinking rapidly as if the post on the Instagram page will disappear. But it was still there. The picture Humaira posted on her account a couple of hours earlier, announcing that she and Yazid are expecting. "Did you know about it?"

Aisha shook her head, "How would I know? It's not like she and I are on good terms" She stated the obvious. She honestly doubts she and the woman will ever get along well. Since she got married, they had only spoken once and that was when the Chairman passed away.

"Amma still!" Jannah extended her hand out to remove the toothbrush, holding it in her hand which earned her a disgusted look from Aisha, which she ignored yet again. "How is she pregnant? I thought those two don't get along" That was what's bothering her. Everyone knows the two do not get along, so how did she end up being knocked up?

Aisha who had decided to simply turn off her computer, because she knows she can't and won't achieve anything with that girl being there. Looking up, she gave her best friend who was staring at her with the do-you-really-want-me-to-answer-that look.

Jannah understood what the look meant, before she rolled her eyes as she slumped on the bed. "Wonders shall never end" She muttered, "Wayaga Humaira as a mother" She couldn't even bring herself to imagine it.

When did the girl get the sense to have a kid of her own?

"Enough about her, why are you crashing in my house seff? And get your ass off my bed, you reek!"

Jannah scoffed, sitting up as she narrowed her eyes slightly at Aisha. "For your information, this is my house too" Since it's just her and her dad at her house, she tends to stay with Aisha and her family whenever he is away for she doesn't want to stay at home all alone. The Nasir family had no problem with it-at least Abba and Mommy didn't, which is what's important. They consider her a second child. "And I do not reek! I just took a shower because I'm heading to work"

"Then go back to your room, dress up and leave" She honestly just want some peace and quiet. But of course, with Jannah there, that will not be possible.

"Keep pushing me away, you won't see me around soon" Jannah hissed lightly. She then flickered her imaginary hair over her shoulder, "I'll be married before you know it"

Aisha's face scrunched up slightly, her mood dampening. "Are you seriously going to marry that man" She couldn't help but be worried. She had tried to knock some sense into the girl by telling her to not make a decision as stupid as this for revenge. It's just not right.

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Where stories live. Discover now