102. love me back

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Based off the song by Trinidad Cardona

His hands felt stiff around his phone. His heart began to beat faster as a sign that his sympathetic nervous system had been stimulated. He wanted to move but his eyes kept staring at the picture in front of him.

Vinnie had finally come back home after traveling. He wanted to finally get some proper rest. But this picture.

It was on your instagram story. Showing that you were out having lunch with some guy he didn't recognize. His finger was on the screen, keeping the story paused. As if looking at it longer was gonna change anything.

It sucks.

Finally thinking that maybe, just maybe, he found a potential girlfriend and then lo and behold, you're out with someone else. Chasing someone else. And while he was gone?

That's why it felt like a slap in the face.

But he's not surprised. It's happened before.

He didn't care if he has only known you for three months. It was his time that was wasted. And in that time, he gave you a hundred percent. What were you giving him?


He didn't want to assume though.

What if it was really nothing? What if that was just a friend of yours? The mind makes up the worst case scenario sometimes. As for Vinnie, a lot of the time.

He finally exited out your story and turned off his phone. His eyes were now adjusting to the darkness around him.

The thought of you being with someone else hurt. That realization is when he knew he liked you.

And the only way he could continue or move on is if he talked to you about what he was feeling.

Vinnie Hacker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now