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"Wow, this portrait of Yeontan that you made is so amazing. It almost looks like a picture and not a painting. Yeontan is not living with me right now and everyday I miss him. Thank you very much Kookie. " Taehyung has been staring at the painting that Jungkook gifted since it was handed over to him. He already knows where he would hang this painting and every time he sees it, he won't only think of Yeontan but also of Jungkook.

"You're welcome, hyungie. I'm glad that you liked it. After I saw the photo of Yeontan that you gave me, I knew already that I would have to make a painting of it. He looks so cute," Jungkook said while showing his bunny smile. "Would it be fine hyungie if I'll do your portrait today? I know there is still a couple of months till you have to premiere the play but I wanted to start as soon as possible." Jungkook is excited to start with the painting and he would love to start as soon as possible even if there is a chance that they'll stop hanging out once the portrait is done.

"But I don't know what to do, Kookie. Do I have to show a certain emotion while you are painting me or is there a pose that you need me to do?" This is the first time that Taehyung would model for a painter and he still thinks that this time would be different even if he had an experience with modeling. When he modeled before it was for a clothing line and all he had to do was exude confidence since he was modeling for a tuxedo brand.

Jungkook finds Taehyung's question so endearing that he can't help himself from smiling, "You don't need to show any emotions for now hyungie since I had to start with basic sketching. I just need you to hold your posture but it should be a posture that is comfortable with you. You can also continue talking as long as you won't do anything to change your posture. Here, why don't you sit on this settee and find a position you are most comfortable with. Just make sure that you are fully facing towards my direction because in the play, Ari asked Byungho to look directly at her." Jungkook pulled Taehyung towards the only settee in his studio and made him sit on it. Jungkook then nodded when he saw that Taehyung sat with his legs crossed, back leaning comfortably and his right arm resting on the armrest. "The portrait that I would be doing will only show your upper body so it's fine if you'll uncross your legs later but I would really need you to finalize your arm position." Jungkook then started going towards his easel that he had already prepared.

"I don't want to hurt your feelings Kookie but this would have been easier if you just took my photo and used it as your guide for your painting," Taehyung can't help but voice his opinion. He already got an idea that modeling for a painting is not easy but he never thought that he would find it hard himself especially since he's the type of person who talks with a lot of hand gestures."I'm not confident that I won't break my position while talking because I mostly move my hands while talking."

"It's fine if you'll move them from time to time as long as you'll remember their original placement. Just relax for now, hyungie. Just think that we are simply talking right now," Jungkook stated while starting to sketch on his canvas. Jungkook's glances are moving back and forth between Taehyung and his canvas which is fascinating for Taehyung to see. "Let me know if you are getting bored, hyungie. If you like you can also nap. Just don't move too much," Jungkook grinned at his subject.

"I'm not bored but I wanted to ask you questions while we are doing this. Let's see if you can really multitask," Taehyung chuckled.

"Go ahead with your questions and I'll answer them as best as I can." Jungkook said while all his focus is still on his sketching.

"Favorite food? Mine is Carbonara."
"Kimchi fried rice and samgyupsal"
"Favorite color? Mine are green and brown."
"Black, white and gray."
"Favorite animal? Mine is dog."
"Same here."
"Favorite drink? Mine is strawberry milkshake"
"Banana milk"
"Favorite activity aside from art related activity?"
"Singing, sleeping, eating, playing video games and hanging out with loved ones."
"Favorite hangout location?"
"I'm usually a homebody so I think at home."

And the whole afternoon was spent doing Taehyung's portrait and trading tidbits of information between them. The only time they stopped was when Jungkook observed that there is no natural light in the studio anymore. "Thank you for spending the whole afternoon with me, hyungie. I hope I did not bore you." Jungkook said while they are now both walking out from the studio.

"Of course not, Kookie. Besides, it was just a quick session. Do you want me to drive you home?" Taehyung offered after realizing that his teacher is still not around to fetch the younger one.

"No need, hyungie. Seokjin hyung knew that I'm planning to start with your portrait today so he is waiting for me at his office." Jungkook smiled to assure the older. "Then let me walk you to Mr. Kim's office," Taehyung offered.

"You don't have to do that hyungie. I'll be fine. Why don't you go ahead first since you're already having a hard time carrying my gift for you," Jungkook was touched seeing that Taehyung is willing to walk with him even if he is already struggling with the painting that he has given since it is already framed and quite heavy.

"Then I'll go ahead first, Kookie. I'll call you later before bed." Taehyung promised to which the younger just nod as a response. The two then walked separate ways after smiling at each other and waving goodbye.

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