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My day started weird. Weird because I saw you as soon as I entered our school which doesn't usually happen. Don't get me wrong of course I am thankful of this occurrence but somewhat suspicious as well. I was trying to think of the possible reason why you came to school so early today. I have been liking you for 2 years now and I know that you are not a punctual person 😂.

But anyways, Math was boring again so I was just zoning out and saw you pass by. You were frowning again and this time you were not even responding to your friends. So I think it's time again for me to tell a story. This time it's an embarrassing story.

My brother was so concerned that I don't have any friends so one day he told me that we will go out to buy some banana milk. And of course being its banana milk, I easily agreed. But he lied. He lied big-time because instead of going to the store he brought me to the park. Like how am I supposed to get banana milk at the park? And what's worse is that it's the park where a lot of kids have their play date. I don't understand at times my brother how he can have these ideas while having 148 IQ. It was so embarrassing that I, a teenager, was being surrounded by kids and my genius brother expected me to befriend them. I felt like crying right then because of embarrassment. So what I did was run back to the house and complain to my brother-in-law. I complained while crying my eyes out and since my brother-in-law loves me a lot he then gave my brother an earful.

PS: I know it's nice to have friends but I don't know how to have one. That is why I like you because it is so easy for you to befriend someone but actually that is just one reason out of the myriad reasons why I like you.

Taehyung read the note while scratching his head because the note sender indeed got it right.

He really tried to be early this time because he wanted to try and catch whoever this person was. But he failed again.

"Instead of frowning because waking up early did not help you at all, why don't you just leave a reply to that person and ask to meet up?" Jimin said exasperatedly because he has been giving the same advice to Taehyung but the other person is so hardheaded.

Taehyung just sighed and who knows what he was thinking this time.

Thank you again for reading, voting and commenting on my work. I hope everyone is having a great day. Less than a week left before BTS comeback. Are you all ready for June 10? 💜

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