First Greeting

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Jungkook was painting a portrait of Yeontan that he plans to give to Taehyung and he was about to change his paintbrush when something caught his eye.

He diverted his attention to the doorway and saw the very owner of his current subject. Until the very last minute, Jungkook still had doubts that Taehyung really wanted to meet him so he was quite surprised to see the older man leaning on the door frame of his studio.

"Hi Taehyungie hyung," Jungkook greeted the older man with a sweet smile.

"It's really nice to hear that greeting instead of just reading it. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Kookie." Taehyung started to walk across the room towards where Jungkook is seated.

The younger one doesn't know what to do while the other person is coming closer and his thoughts are in a jumble when he sees how the older one is looking at him.

"Is that my Yeontan in your painting, Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked with his deep voice which made the younger one have goosebumps.

Take a hold of yourself, Kookie. Taehyungie hyung is asking you a simple question so you shouldn't make a fool of yourself, Jungkook scolds himself internally. "Hmm, I was planning to give it to hyungie as a gift. I just barely started though so I might be able to give it to you after a day or two." Jungkook said while putting back his art supplies.

"Are you planning to go home now?" Taehyung wondered since the younger one started to tidy his work area.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "I just need to put my art supplies away so that we can talk without me being distracted." And that gesture of the younger one made Taehyung smile.

But even when their intention was to talk, both are having a hard time to start the conversation. They are both currently seated side by side at the window sill and from time to time would glance at each other.

"I'm really not that talkative in person," Jungkook explained. "And I'm usually talkative in person," Taehyung chuckled.

"Well, let me start with introducing myself then. Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung. 18 years old and a senior. I'm from the Theater Arts field." Taehyung reached out for a handshake. Jungkook reached out for the handshake while saying,

"I'm Kim Jungkook. 16 years old and a sophomore. I'm from the Visual Arts field."

"It was nice to finally meet you, Kookie." Taehyung said while still holding the younger's hand in a tight grip.  "And it was nice to finally spend time with you, Taehyungie hyung." Jungkook said while showing his bunny smile.

They finally met 😍. If any of you have questions please feel free to leave a comment and I'll answer them as much as I can. I hope everyone is having a great day and if you're not then I hope my book helped even with just making you smile. Made an early upload today because I might fell asleep right after coming home. Borahae 💜 everyone.

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