A Great Night

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"Love, I'm home." Namjoon immediately went to the kitchen upon arriving home. He knows that by this time his husband is already in the kitchen.

Namjoon and Seokjin have been together since they were 18 and started living together after college so both of them know each other well. Namjoon hugged his husband from the back and kissed his neck as a greeting. "How was your day at school?"

"It was a hectic day because of the rehearsal but aside from that everything went great. How about you? How was your day?" The couple would never fail to ask these questions even if they would also check on each other twice or thrice during the day.

"I had a lot of meetings but I still got the chance to spend some time in my studio so I think my work day ended well. Where is Kookie?" Namjoon started washing the various utensils and pans that Seokjin used while cooking.

"Kookie is in the garden with Taehyung." Seokjin said after kissing his husband's cheeks since he was not able to return his kiss a while ago.

"Taehyung? Who is this Taehyung and what is he doing with my Kookie?" Namjoon had to stop what he was doing to face his husband and wait for his response with utmost focus.

Seokjin just chuckled while seeing his husband's behavior and explained, "Taehyung is my student, who acts as your father, during the play and he is talking with Kookie right now."

"Why does he have to talk with my Kookie and why does he have to do it here in our own garden?" Namjoon is still interrogating his husband and hasn't continued with doing the dishes.

"Stop being dramatic because that is my role and try to lessen your possessiveness please." Seokjin got busy with serving the various dishes he prepared for dinner and made sure that everything was complete at their dining table. "Finish washing that while I'll call the kids so that we can start our dinner." Seokjin then left and went to the garden to call both Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Good evening, Joonie hyung. How was your day?" Jungkook immediately asked after entering their dining area. He made sure to be the first one to arrive because he wanted to greet his brother like how he would usually do.

Namjoon gave Jungkook a bear hug while saying, "I had a great day at work Kookie. How about you?"

"I spent time with Seokjin hyungie while watching their rehearsal and before I forget, I'll need your help with my Math lecture." Seokjin had to interrupt the conversation between the two brothers before they could forget their manners and ignore their guest.         

"Namjoonah, I'd like you to meet Taehyung. Taehyung, this is my husband and Jungkook's older brother, Kim Namjoon."

"It's an honor to finally meet you Kim Namjoon PDnim. I'm a big fan of your work." Taehyung did a 90 degree bow to show respect to his idol. He never expected that his teacher was actually his idol's husband.

"It's nice to meet you as well Taehyungah and thank you for liking my music." Namjoon then asked everyone to be seated so that they can start with dinner.

"It's not just your music that I like PDnim but I also appreciate how amazingly you manage your company. My cousin is actually one of your in-house producers and he would always say that he is happy to work under your leadership." Taehyung can't help but show his utmost respect for the elder. He doesn't care if he seems to be a fanboy because not everyone is given the chance to meet their idol like how he did.

"May I know who your cousin is?" Namjoon asked while putting food on his husband's plate before his own. "My cousin is Min Yoongi and even his boyfriend works for you as well, PDnim." Taehyung smiled at Jungkook when the younger one served him with food.

"Ah, yes. Yoongi hyung and Hobi are actually good friends of mine. I see them more as my friends than subordinates but I'm glad to know that Yoongi hyung is happy to work with me. The world is indeed small. Don't you agree, my love?" Namjoon smiled at his husband who just refilled his glass of water.

"Indeed it is. We have known Yoongi and Hobi for how many years now and I never expected that their younger cousin would be one of my students. I do remember Yoongi mentioning about a cousin who is living with him but we left the conversation at that." Seokjin recalled that Namjoon would always exert effort in spending time with his team outside of work but the chance of extending it to family gathering never came up. "We should invite them one of these days, Namjoonah. I heard that Yoongi and Hobi had another partner that we haven't had the chance of meeting as well."

Namjoon did feel guilty that he was so busy and failed to spend time with his friends as well. "I will do that, Love. I'll call Yoongi hyung tomorrow and ask if he is available this weekend. You should also join us, Taehyungah."

Namjoon looked between his brother and Taehyung who were busy offering food to each other. Taehyung got surprised after his idol called his name and sheepishly smiled when he realized that he got caught of not being attentive to the ongoing conversation. "Yes, PDnim. I will make sure to be there."

The rest of their dinner was spent talking about the current projects that Taehyung and Jungkook are doing at school.

"Thank you very much Ssaem for the amazing food. Thank you as well PDnim for your invitation this coming weekend. I'll see you tomorrow at school, Kookie." Taehyung bid his farewell to the family of three after spending a great time with them. "You're welcome, Taehyungah. We enjoyed your company tonight." Namjoon said with a smile.

"Drive safely, hyungie and good night." Jungkook said while waving goodbye. Jungkook stayed at their door until he could no longer see Taehyung's car. Seokjin had to call Jungkook from the inside when he realized that the younger one was not following behind them, "Jungkookie, please come inside because it's already cold out there and you only have 1 hour left for your Namjoon hyung to help you with Math."

This made the youngest to move faster and all of them spent an hour in the living room going over Jungkook's Math workbook before turning in for the night.

Thank you very much for the continued support of this book. We are now at 700+ reads. Thank you as well for those who decided to add my work on their reading list. I was somewhat late in uploading because I got hooked with the BTS island: in the seom game 😅. Take care everyone and borahae 💜

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