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"Alright everyone, that's a wrap for today. Thank you for your hard work. Please stay safe on your way home." Seokjin addressed all his students. The room got filled with farewell greetings and one by one the students left except for Taehyung and Jungkook. "Aren't you going home yet Taehyungah?" Seokjin asked after seeing that Taehyung hadn't left the room yet.

"Ssaem, is it OK if I invite Jungkookie for dinner? I would just like to talk more about our plan for the painting." Taehyung asked for Seokjin's approval.

"I'm sorry Taehyungah but we are quite strict with our Jungkookie and we don't allow him to go out during weekdays. He is also expected to be on his bed by 10pm. If you like, you can come to our house and have dinner with us tonight then both of you can talk while I'm cooking dinner." Seokjin explained.

"I would love to if I'm not a bother," Taehyung never expected the invite but would do anything to spend more time with Jungkook. "Of course not Taehyungah. Did you bring your car with you or do you want to ride with us?" Seokjin started going out of the room with Jungkook trailing behind.

"I'll walk with you until the parking lot Ssaem and I'll drive behind you." Taehyung stated while walking beside Jungkook. All throughout the conversation, the youngest was just silent because he is still self conscious after what he said to Taehyung about his sculpture. Seokjin just agreed and started to plan the meal that he would serve for dinner.

"Welcome to our home Taehyungah and please make yourself at home. Kookie please give Taehyung home slippers and show him the powder room if he wants to freshen up." Seokjin instructed while going directly to the kitchen to start preparing for their dinner.

"Do you want to freshen up hyungie or would you rather relax outside in our garden?" Jungkook doesn't know what to do because this is the first time that he will be having a guest over. His brother and brother-in-law would invite their friends over for dinner but he is not expected to keep them company. During those times he would just join during dinner then go back to his room after since most of the time he is not allowed to join while the rest of the grown ups are drinking.

"Let me just wash my hands and face first Kookie then let's stay in your garden afterwards." Taehyung stated while changing his shoes to slippers. Jungkook just nodded and directed Taehyung towards the powder room.

"I'll get us some drinks while you freshen up hyungie. What would you like to have?"

"I'll just have some iced tea if you have it."

"OK, I'll just be in the kitchen and once you're done you can go directly to the garden using that door over there." Jungkook gave directions before leaving Taehyung at the powder room.

"Hyungie, I'll take a pitcher of iced tea to our garden and stay there with Taehyungie hyung while waiting for dinner." Jungkook started saying right after entering the kitchen.

Their home is actually big and may require in-house staff but Seokjin won't allow it. Even though their house is big, he will only hire a cleaning crew once every 2 weeks and the rest of the household chores are done by themselves. The only staff they hired are guards that keep the safety of their home 24/7. The kitchen itself is big enough that it can be considered as a professional kitchen but even so Seokjin effortlessly prepares their dinner all on his own.

"You can also bring out these pajeons for snacks while you wait. Do you need my help?" Seokjin asked after seeing that Jungkook was about to lift a tray full of food and drinks. "No, I got it hyungie." Jungkook said while showing his beautiful smile to his hyung.

"Here's some snacks while we wait, hyungie. Seokjin hyung's pajeon is really good so please do have some." Jungkook then placed the tray that he was holding on the outdoor table. Taehyung helped with serving the food and iced tea before sitting down again.

"You have a beautiful home Kookie. I missed living in a house after having to live in an apartment for so long." Taehyung said to start with the conversation.

"Since as long as I can remember my family would always live in a house even if it's not as big as this. My brother would always say that he needs outdoor space that an apartment or condo building could never provide," Jungkook said while looking at their garden that is full of wonderful trees, shrubs and flower beds. 

"I do understand that. Just looking at your garden makes me remember all those summer nights that I spent at home. I remember that I would always lay on the grass and listen to cicadas," Taehyung recalled with a smile.

"I do remember that we transferred here after I finished middle school because Namjoon hyung fell in love with the garden. He and Seokjin hyung had their wedding ceremony here as well." Jungkook recalled that their garden really witnessed a lot of special family occasions.

"I also love staying here while I paint. I do have my own studio next to my room but I would still spend more time here. I enjoy doing my paintings while having some fresh air. Do hyungie have any hobbies that you enjoy?" Jungkook wanted to know.

"I love playing video games, singing and shopping," Taehyung said while his mouth was full of pajeon.

"Oh, I also love playing video games. What games do you play?" That question made the two start sharing more stories about their common interests and they lost track of the time while being so involved with their conversation.

I know conversations are important in getting to know each other phase but I had to be honest that I don't have that much personal experience thus the book is starting to get awkward 😅

PS: Please give me comments or feedbacks. Thank you always and Borahae 💜

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