The Elevator Ride Chapter 55

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AN: Hey everyone :) hope ya'll had a good weekend, two Chapters yay. I'll try and get a chapter or two out next weekend. This is getting close to ending, sad I know. But I'll have more stories out later :)


Chapter 55


It had been an hour or so since Chester, Dom and Andrew left, I was doing ok, I felt better about being human again.

"Hey are you ok? It's 9:15pm, you want me to go upstairs with you to grab some clothes or whatever?" asked Kev.

"I'm fine, and if you want to, you don't have to." I said to Kev.

"No I want to help you, you don't need to go by yourself." said Kev.

"Alright lets go." I said to Kev. We take the elevator up, my first time back in the elevator since being human, and it was a little creepy, since I was turned in the elevator and trapped in the elevator for a little while.

"You ok? your kinda quiet." asked Kev, I blinked and looked at him.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said to him.

"Well the elevator stopped and you are just standing there." said Kev.

"Oh." I said and quickly walked out.

"Are you sure your ok?" asked Kev.

"I'm fine, it's just my first time back in the elevator that I was turned in, and now back in it since being human again." I said to Kev.

"Oh right, sorry." said Kev. We reached the door and I opened it. I stopped short not thinking anyone would be here. It was just Andrew watching TV.

"Hey." said Andrew.

"Hey, you scared me, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." I said to him.

"Yeah, they said they didn't need me to go, so I stayed here." said Andrew.

"Oh ok, I came to get some clothes and stuff." I said to Andrew.

"Ok, they left around 9:00, hey Kev." said Andrew.

"Hey." said Kev.

"Alright, if you need me I'll be in my room, getting some stuff." I said to Andrew. Out of habit I reached down to the cooler and grabbed a blood bag.

"Um what you doing?" asked Andrew. I looked at him confused, then looked at the bag and quickly dropped the bag back in the cooler.

"Oh oops, habit I guess." I said to Andrew, and Kev shook in head at me. I quickly go to my room, grab a suitcase and start putting, shirt's, jeans, and shorts in, and couple pair of shoes.

"Need any help?" asked Kev.

"Um yeah grab my camera and tripod please." I said to Kev.

"Alright." said Kev. I grabbed my pillows and my comforter

"Ok Chester grabbing way to much." said Kev laughing.

"Shut up, I may need this, I love these pillows."

"How are you going to carry all of that?" asked Kev. I looked at Kev and smiled.

"Andrew can you please come here." I yelled for Andrew to come help. Kev rolled his eyes.

"Yes you called me?" asked Andrew.

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