4.2 final dance

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Artist: @shibanba777 from twitter
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"-/n Y/n!!!!"

I open my eyes slightly as a teardrop on my face. She's biting her lip while trying her best to reach out to me. When my vision became clear, I reached out to the little girl's cheeks to assure her that I'm alive. "Qiqi...?"

"why... are you going to leave me too?"

"leave you...?"

"you almost died! if that...if that Adeptus didn't come and call Qiqi..."

I understand her worry but I'm still quite confused. I never interact with Qiqi much, the only time I did was to find a so-called coco goat with her. She has a poor memory of things by the poor like the super poor. "y/n. nice. I remember. I'm here to protect you" she continued as she read my mind.

I slowly get up and pat Qiqi on her head. "have you been protecting me while I was out?" I question her with a smile. In response, she nodded. I wiped her tears away with my finger and thanked her. The scar is nicely patched. My body is still sore but I can move. "You can't move. the scar will open again, it's not completely healed."

"the battle... what happened to the-"

I widened my eyes and sat there stunned at the sight of the battlefield. The spiral in the sky is still there but there are no rays of light shooting up. The battlefield still contains monsters but not any kind I have ever seen. They are like soul-looking, ghost-looking things.

With some purplish fog around the center and....glass? No, those are...barriers. I get up and take a step forward but Qiqi stops me. "I can't let you go," she says, using her full power to pull me back. No, let me go. I can't because that's...

"No matter what happens I promise not to drag you into that" she yells out, voice shaking as if she's going to cry again. "I promise xiao!!!" Qiqi says. I widen my eyes and look at her, has he really said that? Did he really tell Qiqi to stop me if I woke up? I can hear my heart beating fast from the nervousness from all the negative thoughts I have in my head.

Because the person who is surrounded by barriers is none other than xiao. "I'm sorry Qiqi..." I spoke under my breath before getting out of the grip and dashing towards the battleground.

I grab a soldier's sword on the way since mine is already broken from the last explosion.

Why would you be on the ground, with a massive dark aura roaming around you? Why would you be inside a shield, and everyone seems alerted by you? What about Scaramouche? Why is nobody looking at him? What happened when I was unconscious and ...what do you mean by keeping me out of this? Have you seen this coming?

I run and run without stopping, no matter how much my scar aches. I see paimon pointing over me as a few people start to look my way. Childe dashed toward me the moment he saw me, pulling me into his arms. He held my head tight and did not allow me to step further. "y/n. y/n, please." he whispers but it's not time for that.

I clearly saw it. Xiao sitting on the ground seemingly suffering. "Let go of me!!" I yelled and tried to get closer to Xiao but childe didn't allow that. He forcefully sat me down on the ground not letting me see what was going on by holding me in his arms.

I can hear from here, his voice the sound of suffering and lastly, Scaramouce's laugh. I cough as I try to catch on my breath, huffing in and out heavily. "Let me...go!!!" I yell out the second time. Trying to get out of childe's grip.

"Hahaha!! So he didn't tell you. He didn't tell you about the spell" from a distance I heard Scaramouche laugh.

Spell? What spell? I never heard of that. I look at childe and see him looking guilty. Childe knows about it. He definitely knows something. "No matter what do not go near Adeptus xiao."

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