2.7 till the day we meet again

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Artist: @man_goose from twitter

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Upon seeing you standing there with almond tofu in your hand, Zhongli got up from his seat and walked away gesturing to you to sit beside xiao.

Without a word you smiled at Zhongli softly and took the seat, putting away a glass of alcohol from Xiao's hand. "Perhaps you and I were alike. We never talk about how we truly feel" you whisper looking at his sleeping face. Putting the almond tofu down you start playing with his hair. "Could things be different if we talk it out? Xiao I never knew any of this" referring to what you heard you talk to the sleeping Adeptus. Any of these words will never be heard by him or anyone but just you.

The celebrations are still going on with the loud noise consuming yet only the place where you sit seem so silent. Quietly you take a bite off the almond tofu originally brought for xiao. Hand brushing through his hair. If xiao were awake there is no way he would let you do such things. As things are starting to get peaceful there are still things you have to do.

You must head off to Inazuma soon.

Staring down at Xiao's peaceful sleeping face, you hold his hand that is on the table. Thinking about what xiao has said. Both of you like each other now but. What are we? Couple? Is not the right word choice. He did say to give him time but thinking about it now you don't understand what he meant by that.

It feels suffocating. but today's almond tofu taste sweeter than usual


2.7 Till the day I meet you again


Unfamiliar ceiling, piece of memory missing from last night. Xiao slightly opens his eyes and gets up from the bed. The surrounding is still dark as each tick of the clock can be heard. How did he get here? Xiao has no idea. The clock beside him shows 3 am. It's very early.

Then he later notices in the corner of the room a figure of a girl sleeping soundly on the table. It was none other than you, leaning on it. He looks back on his bed, seeing plenty of room. Knowing you he thought you would jump on the bed to use any opportunity to be next to him but seems like you are showing some kind of respect for boundaries. "For the first time" he whispers. But somehow Xiao is annoyed by this.

He can't explain this feeling, but he does not like this. Xiao gets up from the bed and walks over to where you are sleeping, reaching out to you. Slowly pull you up from the table and move the tables away. He then holds you up bridal style carrying you over to the bed. Quietly puts you down.

Surprisingly, Xiao did not have any hangovers. He was feeling super fine. Covering you with the blanket he walked away heading over to the door to investigate the surroundings. He is still unsure where he's at right now. "....xiao.." he heard a voice, immediately xiao turned back to look at you.

Seeing you trying to sit upon the bed with those sleepy eyes. Swiftly he walks back to the bed and sits next to you and catches you who is trying to get up. With you half-awake in his arms, he pats your head. "Did I wake you up?" He asks quietly. But you who seem to be still in a dream world could not respond properly. Only an mmm or hmm could be heard from you. He sighs and just continues to pat you staring out at the window. Perhaps he should sleep again, seeing you have no sense of danger, this place must be safe. He thought to himself and moved a bit, squeezing into the bed with you.

Xiao stares at your sleeping self remembering the past three years that you disappeared. Now the face he wants to see, the person he is destined to meet is sleeping next to him. There is nothing more than just pure joy. Just.. just this once xiao thought he could embrace you into his arms. He is still a little embarrassed to ask but now you're still sleeping, without thinking too much xiao pulls you closer to him and hugs you tightly. Like that he slowly and slowly falls asleep.

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