1.7 story of regret

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Artist: @morastery from twitter

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"so so what happens after that!!" excitedly paimon asks further. 

"Before I talk further, how are y/n and xiao?" Zhongli smiled. 

Upon hearing this paimon and aether look at each other then back to Zhongli. They shake their heads side to side and look away. Assuming from their reaction Zhongli murmurs. "ah I see..." 

"a-anyway we would like to hear more!" trying to break the heavy atmosphere aether spoke out cheerfully. 


1.7 story of regrets


Liyue night was not always quiet, well at least tonight it's pretty busy. Two girls in a Wanmin restaurant are still cooking something. When the dish is done xiao could see the satisfied look on your face. Even though you didn't cook them, you helped Xiangling a bit and you were proud you didn't explode the dish this time. 

The explosion caused by you was an overload explosion

"Mr. Zhongli, sorry for taking so long, here is your order! and of course some of the meals you have asked me to make extra," said xiangling as she placed each plate on the table. The amount of food on the table didn't seem like such an amount that a person could finish it. Perhaps he eats a lot. you thought to yourself and sat down next to xiao. 

"I know you two would eventually come here. So I ordered extra. feel free to have a taste."

"ah! really!? mister, I don't know who you are but thank you for your treats!"


"it.. it would be your treat right?"


"it.... it would be your-...."


you froze up in place and looked over at the number of foods on the table. xiao doesn't seem like a person who would carry around mora with him from the start. this gentleman in front of you dressed quite well seems like he is from somewhere rich but it look like he doesn't have mora at the moment. "...*sigh* it will be MY treat thank you," you said it to yourself then sit back down seeing Zhongli smile. 

"I appreciated it. My name is Zhongli. I'm a consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor." in between his bites of food Zhongli spoke out. 

"ah, I'm y/n just y/n I'm a traveler from Mondstatd and xiao here is my boyfriend"

"no don't create such misunderstanding"





out of nowhere, Zhongli giggled out. "pardon me," he paused. "This must be a good day, I feel very proud for Xiao having a companion like you," said Zhongli with his proudest smile ever. 

the word xiao having a companion caught you, you narrowed your eye to Zhongli and started observing him. Eventually, you stood up and walked behind him spotting a geo vision. "a geo vision huh" you murmured out. 


"ah! sorry for my rudeness!! mind if I ask how did you meet xiao? or obtaining that geo vision of yours?" you snapped out of it and walked back to your seat drinking a cup of water.

"Well nothing, in particular, I heard about you from Barbatos. you are going around researching about archons am I correct? if so you have come to the right person or perhaps met the right person"

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