3.0 white flower

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Artist: @droppallet (twitter)
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"Y/n don't make noise or else you will be caught here. listen to me a mile from here there will be a village. I personally never been there myself so please be careful that's the village that is closest to the border of Snezhnaya"

"you note your research I admire you, oh how I wish you were part of the fatui with this notes of yours we fatui organization can-

"WE DON'T KNOW HER!!! I TOLD YOU SHE IS NOT HERE!!!" The surroundings darken as fogginess consumed. The last thing I saw before waking up was the smile of a lady.

You jump up from the bed, huffing, and sweating, slowly closing your eyes to process what you have seen. It was just a dream. It's just a dream. Then came the sharp pain from your injury, you hiss out and held your stomach hoping it would go away soon. Perhaps the posture you sat up in wasn't good.

After pain lessened you glance over to the balcony. The first sunray shines in your room as you zoned out with what you saw in your dream last night. Instantly it tied back to your memory at Snezhnaya. Just the sound of it does not sound scary. Its people are having a good healthy life there but once you felt her highness blade it felt like your whole world shattered into the darkness. It was scary and horrific to put life on the line.

"I have to go back there," you whispered. To get your notebook back, what is so important about it? Well, your notebook has incomplete information about both gnosis and Celestia. With fatui organization, it shouldn't take long for them to bring chaos within this human age. Easy to say than do you fear the fatui nor the thought of going back there.

So you close your eyes and try to calm down. "y/n"

"AGH you scared the crap out of me"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" it was xiao who appeared out of nowhere "I didn't think you would be awake at this hour" he adds hiding something behind his back. But before you even ask what it is a white petal falls on the floor. "Are you....holding flowers?" you asked, trying to take a peek at what he is holding. Tho upon you guessing it, he didn't even try to hide it further. simply putting them in a vase and displaying them. "I didn't know you liked flowers," you ask

He looks back and stays silent for a bit until he spokes up. "Considering your injury I guessed you would be staying here for a while" he says not finishing his sentence but it was enough for you to understand he had brought them for you.

"did you go around liyue at night to do this?"

"i- I was on patrol"

"hmm sure~ i'll believe you" you replied giving him a grin. After displaying the vase on the table he walks back and takes a seat next to your bed. "You look pale, did you not get enough sleep?" he asks, taking a closer look at your face. Xiao's face close up was like a luxury of the whole nation, he is too beautiful you thought to yourself as you tried to take a distance. "ahaha I had a bad dream. It's nothing to worry about tho" you replied.

You get up from the bed and walk over to the balcony to get some fresh air since it's still very early in the morning. The surroundings are windy and not too hot. you then hop onto the balcony fence and sit on it swinging your leg. "idiot what if you fall" said xiao hurrying over to your way. "don't worry you will catch me," you replied looking back at him. "where did that confidence come from" he whispered.

"isn't it a fact~? well xiao, good morning," you say, you blend in with the sunlight and look very mesmerizing for xiao. He cannot take his eye off you as he sees you zoned out looking at the view of Guili plains.

It's a comfortable silence. No word was spoken but a sound of leaves scattering, the birds chipping and a faith sound of people talking. For a few seconds, it was quiet until you broke it. Out of the blue, you spoke up "xiao. I have to go back to Snezhnaya" you did not bother to look back at him while saying so. without knowing what kind of expression xiao is making you continue. "this time I might die for real," you say, turning around to look at him with a defeated smile.

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