2.8 till the day we meet again

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This chapter pov shifts a lot

Collapsing on the floor, she laid close to Scaramouche. The fight had started and ended. Both were injured. Y/n feels like her body is floating and numb, not even an energy left for her to move. "This wasn't something I planned" she heard Scaramouche say from a nearby but did not bother to even look at him. Y/n continues to stare at the cloudy sky laying on the sandy beach. Scaramouche gets up and approaches the girl staring at her from above. Holding his chest while small cuts can be seen on his face. "Why do you have that?" he asked. By that he meant the delusion that she has. It was also her first time fully using it.

"That's... none of your business" carelessly she replied. She huffs in and out as she holds her stomach. The blood continues to drain, creating patterns into the sand. Soon enough she may die from losing too much blood and he knows. Scaramouche knows that if no one helps her right now she'll die. "Come on, call out your friend. Tell them, oh please come save me~ isn't that what you're good at?" Scaramouche held her face and mockingly spat those words at her but she didn't reply but just glared up at him.

"Hahahaha beautiful! beautiful!!! That is a face I wanted to see. How do you feel? This is what you get from not cooperating with me. Do you want me to help you?"

"says....cough the person who's about to collapse any minute," she says with a smirk. indeed Scaramouche was about to collapse soon he didn't say anything but a tsk came from his mouth. "Consider this lucky" he whispers. Scaramouche walks over to the stone he was sitting on and begins patching up his scar. in while of doing so he spoke up "one last time, an exchange of me removing you from the wanted list of fatui, you cooperate with me in a plan"

this was a proposal he gave before this fight happened, obviously, y/n declined not wanting to be part of it. result in him trying to make her cooperate with force, but he has failed miserably. "no. I will not cooperate with you" that's the final answer she gave him before her vision starts to get blurry. "you will regrets this" was the last thing she heard from him.


2.8 till the day we meet again


The light waves of the ocean have woken her up. Bandages wrap around her stomach and head. With the soft bed, small window view full of blue, and the flooring of wood, y/n guessed that she is on a ship. She sits up on the bed and looks at her scar, there is nothing wrong with it, just a pain. Did that harbinger not do anything to me when I lose consciousness? If so, why? she thought as she continued to observe the injury. Knock knock, with two sounds of the knock walk in a male with ruby eyes. Her first impression of him was a beautiful young man. "ah! you woke up! uuhh hold up stay still don't move yet, the wound might open up" he says as he puts the stack of paper away. "this is beidou's ship, one of her crew found you laying on the beach alone. My name is Kaedehara kazuha" Kazuha says with a charming smile.

"my name is y/n. thank you for saving me" without paying attention to kazuha she replied. Looking at the view outside the window. The ocean is very pretty. Sometimes she wishes she could disappear with it. If she had a cryo vision that froze the water instead of pyro to melt them she could go for a walk on it, the girl thought. "Listen to the sound of the waves, today it's especially calm," Kazuha says out of nowhere. Y/n turns to look at him with a confused face as he laughs out nervously. "I-i saw you looking at the ocean and couldn't help it. Your mind seems like it's not at ease. I'm not in such a position to say this but I don't mind hearing you out?" He continued.

But y/n was feeling perfectly fine at least for now, not knowing her mental state "what!? No no, I'm fine. I'm fine!!" She says, wiggling her arm in front of her. "Well if you say so I wouldn't force you on it. Happiness is an option, don't let whatever you fear consume you" says kazuha as he gets up from the chair. "Do I look depressed?" out of nowhere the girl asks. what a dumb question she later regretted. Kazuha blinks a few times not knowing how to answer this. He scratches the back of his neck and "you seem like something is stuck in your heart. I'm not sure how to say this but I felt like you are about to disappear any minute soon..." he says quietly.

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