2.1 till the day we meet again

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Artist @ZHIZHI_Z from twitter

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"-ng man! young man!!! are you looking for someone" 

xiao quickly snapped out upon reaching liyue harbor with aether and paimon. But when he realized, he was already separated from them standing in the middle of the path with an old granny talking to him. She had a worried look on her face as she try to bring xiao back to his senses. "y-yes. I'm sorry. I must have gotten in your way" he apologies and quickly walks away from the spot hearing the granny calling for him a few time. 

Xiao doesn't like crowds of people, he wants to avoid them as much as possible but he had hoped for something. Maybe just maybe you would be here too. He began looking around finding you at the same time finding aether. The town is decorated like last year. though last year xiao didn't see the process of people getting ready. Kids are running around with xiao lanterns. Upon seeing people holding xiao's lantern he frowned. "How childish.." he murmurs. 

He then focused on those people, and began walking again. 

He could hear the people talking as he walked past each individual. no... no.. thats not her.. not that either.. he thought in his mind as he tried to cancel out the noise but. "xiao!!!. paimon found him!! he is over there" five meters away from him, floating paimon as she waves at him intensely. then came running aether huffing out. "where have you been!!" he spoke in between his breaths. 

Xiao just looks around and "nothing..." he replied. "Come on!! don't get lost. paimon had trouble finding you!!" she cheered. Xiao just looks away feeling uneasy. "ahaha... paimon..." noticing xiao's reaction aether just laugh out nervously. 

Now following aether and paimon, xiao began walking. walking behind them as he continues to still look around. They walked past the alchemist table in liyue then took a turn. crossing the bridge and walk a bit further then stop in front of a hill. "Zhongli said he would be waiting for us up there. let's climb" said aether, as he pointed up to the top of the hill. 

Xiao follows his finger then pulls aether close to him holding on to him tight. With his eye, he gestures to paimon to grab on him. When she did he hopped left and right quickly reaching the top, where Zhongli awaits. 

but when the three of them reached the top of the hill not only Zhongli was there but also Childe. from all the people. "c-childe?!" paimon yelled out. "hi comrade! Long time no see. two years sure is long!!" he cheerfully voices out. 

"I'm glad you show up to the lantern rite this year xiao. although it hasn't started yet" behind childe, Zhongli peeks his over as he gestures xiao to come closer to him. With a question, a mark appeared on his head, xiao walked over to Zhongli. instantly xiao got welcomed by Zhongli hugs. "z-Zhongli?! what are you- " xiao widened his eyes and stuttered. 

"I have heard from childe that children like to embrace sometimes" he answers. "I'm not a child anymore-" xiao continues as he tries to get away from Zhongli's grip. but maybe this is what xiao needed right now. He is getting a little mentally exhausted from finding you. not only that but the pain due to his karmatic debt had been getting worse. 

"for me, you are" Zhongli replied. quietly. Eventually, xiao just stop and decided to stay in his arm to only notice that aether and childe is looking at him with a blooming smile. that's when he quickly gets away. 


"so you're the young Adeptus that both y/n and Zhongli had been talking to me about" 

two years ago, Xiao heard the report from Aether, so he is aware of who he is and how he knows y/n. He widens his eye from hearing the mentions of her name but quickly looks away. "My name is childe. you may know me as the fatui harbingers but I'm not here to cause trouble. I wanted to meet you in person at least once." he smiles.

xiao didn't say anything nor tried to reply. "n-not much of a talker huh. well ahem anyway nice to meet you" childe awkwardly looks away with a nervous smile. "I heard the story from childe, so y/n has been gone for around three years now?" Zhongli asked. 

in reply xiao is nodded, glancing over to the liyue harbor. "I believe she is alive. though mortal are fragile. I believe no matter what the situation she will try to stay alive" xiao continues. Hearing this childe just whistle back. 


2.1 till the day we meet again


Three years ago…

"Hi my name is y/n!! Just y/n! I'm a traveller-.... DANG IT HE DISAPPEARED AGAIN. At least let me introduce myself or something jeez. I know Adeptus are busy but still!!!" You frown from your third attempt trying to introduce yourself to xiao. 

It all began with first you fell in love at first sight seeing him saving liyue and now that he has saved yours and the little boys lives you at least want to thank him. 

If verr goldet didn't tell you about xiao staying here by now, you would be running around trying to find him."fine!! my final attempt for today" you smirk to yourself then run down into the kitchen grabbing a plate of almond tofu.

"Y/n…. What are you gonna do with that" verr goldet ask upon spotting you walking up the stairs

"I'm going to lure him out," you replied with a creepy smile. "You do know that he's an adeptus right…" verr goldet sweat drop but that still didn't stop you. 

You place the plate down onto the balcony floor and run back inside hiding behind a wall. For xiao who he witnesses the whole thing, knowing that the plate on the ground a trap he giggle to himself quietly from your foolish act. 

You on the other hand, not knowing the fact that xiao had been aware of the situation the whole entire time, just waited excitedly. 10 minutes 20 minutes no sign of him appearing. 

Besides, Xiao could see the almond tofu plate on the balcony from the roof but he didn't try to go get it. But he's thinking about it. Eventually he just sigh out teleport down, at the same time 

He heard a gasp behind a wall and you came running out only to trip in front of him and fall down. Xiao on the other hand was dumbfounded by this moment and laughed out. 

Hearing his laugh you quickly look back up, standing up and sliding in front of him. "Pls be my friend don't disappear yet!!!!" You yelled out.

He didn't say anything after that so you nervously looked up meeting with his golden piercing eye. Looking up close he is even more handsome. 

With a small soft smile he replied "....sure"

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Thank you for always reading and supporting me! Unfortunately i will be taking a small break since i will be busy for sometime but ill get back with a new chapter as soon as possible!


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