1.9 story of regret

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Artist : @beksdraw from twitter

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Instantly all the attention is now on you. 

The man that you escorted shot a cold glare over to you as the atmosphere became heavy. You nervously slimed and quickly threw a smoke bomb and ran towards the table and stole the gnosis on it. 

Swiftly moving towards the door as three arrows came passing your head. swinging the door open you quickly ran outside the busy hallway. All the eyes are on you with confusion.  "GET HER!!!" they yelled. You took out the sword you have been hiding all this time and hung it on your waist. 

As you run with a few fatui chasing after you, you jump up to grab the torch on the wall. throwing them down on the carpet floor blocking the path. The underlying stopped in front of the fire trying to go over them but one of the harbinger hopped over it as if it's nothing. "Well well well, where are you planning to go?" said the man chasing after you. 

You turn left on the next corner and begin running again. Fighting all of those harbingers all in one is too much for you. So all you can do right now is run. You look around observing the place while you run, finding the potential place to hide. but with an army of fatui chasing, it would be a little difficult. 

eventually, you came to a next turn again that you could go either left or right. In the middle is giant glass with a full view of white. with the sound of something passing through your ear, you notice another arrow coming flying towards you. 

"they are purposely missing it..." you murmured to yourself as you took a peek behind and continued to run. "You're all useless, if you run at this pace you won't be able to catch up to her" you heard someone yell from behind. You assume that it's one of the harbingers. 

As the next turn came you turned to the right but it was blocked by one of the harbingers. She stood there with her large sword in front of her. fighting was not in your option so you quickly turn around and are about to run off to the left but three Skirmishers are there. 

You glance over to the path you just came running and see a harbinger chuckling as he claps his hand and walks over to you slowly. "game over" he said. "where did she go- oh- nevermind" from behind another harbinger came running huffing out air. "Tartaglia you're one step late," said another harbinger. 

you look around finding some object that could possibly save you from this situation but there is nothing. "Well this is a dead-end little girl hand over that" said the man as he points at your bag that you quickly put the gnosis in it. 

"...." you breathe in and out slowly, trying to catch up to your breath and smile out. Showing all of them your toothy grin then walk a step over to this Tartaglia person. you stood in front of him and turned around facing the window. "shit... the window! someone blocked it!" you heard one of them yell. but it's already too late. 

In the speed of light, you teleported in front of the window jumping out, and began falling letting the cold breeze hit your face as you smiled.  "hahaha bye guys!!!" you showed a peace sign and opened your glider, gliding away. 


1.9 story of regret


Landing on the soft snow you immediately took off your mask. find somewhere secretive to change your clothes and put on the coat back. it's freezing outside, you look up to the building you just came out from and quickly glance away. looking around spotting a town nearby. putting the gnosis you stole into the bag you began walking towards the town. 

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