2.6 till the day we meet again

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@siraisi00 from twitter

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You sniff a few times before wiping your tears away. Quiet as the dawn two of you sit next to each other while gazing at the lantern setting off for its journey. You take a glance at him and instantly look away when you notice that he is also staring at you.

Xiao got closer to you and held your face with two of his hands wiping your tears away again. You on the other hand could feel the heat rising to your face from his touch. Now that you know his true feelings your heart is beating non-stop.

Redden as each thump of your heart rang in your ear. Eventually, you can't take it anymore, you move away from his hand. Looking away back into the distance. Xiao, who didn't think you would move away, froze up and pulled his hand back. "...I'm not good with these kinds of things... I'm sorry if you didn't like it" he says.

"Eh?! I- no no I don't hate it, it's like my dream come true to be touched by you- no!!! Ahem... I'm sorry I don't think my heart can handle this"

"A-are you okay? Do you want me to call Baizhu?"

"No!!! Not that type of heart. I-... I didn't expect you to... like me back so like... I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from all the action I took and...my heart can't take your adorableness..."

"...I may be far from being a human but I'm also a guy too. Don't call me adorable." Xiao frowned. His frown is even adorable. You felt like something spiky in your heart. 3years later you could see the difference. Before he was like an untamed cat but now... he is different.

You softly smile at him and reach your hand out, messing out his hair. "You are adorab-" but quickly you paused. Seeing a lovely couple of fatui walking past. Curiosity xiao follows your gazing then glances back at you who seem to tense up. "Y/n '' he called out.

But no response "y/n" he calls again. This time xiao who is sitting next to you turns your head over his way. "Y/n, you're trembling." He says staring deep into your eye. "H-huh was I? Sorry it's a little bit cold" you smile.

"Are you perhaps afraid of the fatui?"

"No!! Of course not"

"Y/n. What were you doing these past three years"

"... I was traveling around.."

"...what happened to your annoying self. Always bugging me with all the stories you have?"

"What if I don't have any story at all!!"

"What do you mean? You were so into all the research of the immortal realm. Wha-

"I GAVE UP!!!! I gave up on it, I threw my book away. Okay, don't ask me. Don't ask me anything"

The heart that slowly opened up instantly closed its door. You and Xiao sit there quietly without any more words spoken between you. Xiao thinks that he overstepped the boundary. But even if the time has passed, the feeling of xiao wanting to know more about you never changes. From 3years ago, you never told him what was going on in your mind and he hated that. You're hard to predict their thoughts.

On the outside was a cheerful girl with all the reach she made. Sometimes her background. But it was hard to think what was going on inside.

Xiao looked at you and spoke out. This time softly. "I want to know more about you. I'm...not very good at understanding human emotion so I want to hear it from you" he says. Softly grabbing your hand. Even Though Xiao's emotionless face is planted there, his eyes are very soft. You feel like you are about to melt into his gaze.

"...I...I'm... " you begin, nervously looking up and down at xiao. He tilted his head to the side awaiting the next word you say. "I... in short my life has been a game of tag. Even now I'm not sure if I'm a wanted person in the fatui organization. But that just to sum it up there is more story into that but I don't want to share it now" you replied.

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