1.8 story of regret

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Artist: mob110119 from twitter

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On an evening night somewhere close to liyue, a girl fought furiously with countless hilichurls alone. The rain pours down on her as she swings her sword endlessly. These groups of hilichurls just come and come; the number is so many that it's uncountable. 

Her pyro vision shines brightly as she uses her elemental skill. Even so, she was too outnumbered. If it's only five or six, she would have no problem. Not just hilichurls, but from time to time, cryo abyss mage appears to be slash with her sword easily. Due to the rain, sometimes the cryo infuses her movement. The cryo shard would stab into her as she collapsed on the muddy ground. 

But she refused to be defeated. There is a small little boy in the crowd of this abyss mage and hilichurls. No matter what, she wanted to save him. The expression she had while swinging her sword was beautiful. Anyone who watched that would be stunned. The flame spark then faded away when it came in contact with the rain. 

Her pyro power is very strong, strong enough to do some damage while it's still raining. But a mare human has its limit. When the girl got closer to a little boy, she was already almost out of stamina. Still, her eyes and heart were burning in flame. She hugs the boy and informs him of protection as she takes all the hits. 

The little boy tried to get out of her grips since he knew he was the burden, but the girl refused to let him go. Despite all the damage, she still protects the boy. The rain starts to pour down more, becoming windy and heavier. 

She was always cheerful and carefree. But sometimes, she could be a little strict with herself. She was pushing herself to her limits, risking her own life for others. she hisses out in pain as the ice shard stabbing into her back. She can start to feel her consciousness getting further away. Her vision became blurry and blurry. With the last strength she had, she called out. 


Instantly plunging from the sky came a young male adepti. Xiao swings his spear then looks behind him, seeing the girl smile like she has accomplished something and collapse on the floor unconscious. 

This is how y/n and xiao met.  


1.8 story of regrets


"We are almost there! come on, get those legs moving aether!!"

"easy for you to say paimon good for you who is always flying."

"hey!! paimon get tired too, you know!!"

Aether and paimon laugh and tease each other as they walk closer and closer to the luhua pool. Hoping to meet y/n there. The path there is halfway easy since it's just a straight path, but eventually, two of them have to go over, climbing up and down things, killing the ruin guard near the teleport point as they look around the place. 

"I see no sign of people around here..." aether murmured as he narrowed his eye over to the other side. "oh oh!! paimon sees somebody near the body of water!" she excitedly twirls around, pulling aether and quickly rushing over to the other side. 

They ran, huffing out, and eventually reached the other side walking down the small hill heading to the bunch of small pools. "w-wait childe?!?"  paimon yelled out. "hm? Oh hey, comrade, nice seeing you here," said childe turning around waving over to them. 

"what are you two doing here?"  he continued. "well, we are looking for someone named y/n. She's a girl with h/c hair and a pyro vision holder. We heard from people in liyue that they had spotted her here," paimon explained. 

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