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Here's the aftermath from the last two chapter. Altough I think it will be short, I will upload the next chapter like ASAP since it's too short, cya later!

Ash Pov: 

Immediately after stopping the Gigantimax Kingler, Kingler turned back to normal and returned to the lake near the area. Chloe and Barry immediately bombarded me with questions.

Barry: Wow, you have Greninja? 

Chloe: And it can change to another form like mega evolution?

Barry: What do you call this form?

Me: hey Hey HEY! Stop asking me questions. Barry, yes I have a greninja, Chloe yes I knew that it could change it's form like mega evolution. It's called bond phenomenon, Professor Syncamore told me when I was travelling Kalos, it can be achieved by a very powerful bond and trust. With both of these two reached, bond phenomenon is triggered. Well, a former friend of mine named it Ash - Greninja, as much I wanted to hate that name, it seems like a perfect one for the form.

Chloe Pov:

Barry (whisper) : Hey Chloe, what does he mean by "former" friends.

Me (Whisper back) : Long story, maybe I'll get him to tell you someday.

Ash Pov: 

Chloe: Wow Ash, I never knew that you have such special pokemon, you also seems to be fighting along with Greninja as you're fighting. 

Me: Yea.. I am actually kind of fighting along them as I can see through Greninja's eyes when we are in the Ash - greninja form. But that brings one cost...

Chloe: What is that?

Me: Nothing!

Chloe: Nevertheless you're form is so cool and hand some, like Greninja had you're hair and have your cute zigzag... WHAT DID I JUST SAY. I'M SO SORRY.

Chloe Pov: Oh no, I just said that to Ash, will he hate me now? Oh, no, Oh no...

Barry: Well looks like somebody is having a crush on Ash.

My head is burning like a Tomato (Yes I think tomatoes exist in the Pokemon world) Next to Ash Greninja, 

Ash: Chloe it's ok. I just want to ask you something later. So Barry, where are you going to go now? 

Barry: Well, I would like to stay at the Wild area and see if there's anyone needing a hand to comforting Gigantimax or dynamaxed pokemon. These phenomenon sure are strange.

Me: So Ash, let's go to the next town to see who is in the PWC so we can get you climbing the Ranks yet again.

Ash: Sure! See you next time Barry!

Barry: k, see you next time.

Chloe: Bye!

After the farewell, me and Ash continued the journey towards Motostoke, the next town. Out of a sudden... 

???: Farfetch'd!

Hey that's it, I will upload the next chapter ASAP, best case later this day worst case the day after tommorow, I'll do my best.

This is Raptor, Going out.

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